Android first try

Posted By: Schubido

Android first try - 06/20/11 15:57


I hope it is fine to put this here - it's not 3DGS.
I'm starting with Android development and just made my first (quite rough) attempt of a little game.
Its about catching beetles and not destroying flowers by moving the device.

Since there are many different devices out there, I would be happy if someone is interested in trying it out:
- does it run on your device (which)?
- is movement smooth?
- how does it look like?

You need an Android device with Android 2.2 or higher and orientation sensor.
Posted By: Liamissimo

Re: Android first try - 06/20/11 17:48

Android 2.1 frown

But welcome to Android Developement, isn't it easy as hell? laugh
Posted By: PadMalcom

Re: Android first try - 06/20/11 17:53

I love the intents, it is a pretty nice idea to share information between the different views and it is so much easiert and cleaner than the HTML Post/Get construct.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Android first try - 06/20/11 21:21

yes, intents. I currently program for android at work, loving it.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Android first try - 06/21/11 01:41

not bad on the lg optimus (the c from cricket) its smooth. you might want to let the user calibrate the motion detector so if they want they can put the screen in font of them held up instead of in there lap if they want. took me a sec to figure out what to do so for everyone elses benefit:

your a control a net in a field of flowers(?) if you ruin more than one flower you lose and you must navigate them using the motion control while trying to catch beetles. the beetles can move through the flowers so its tricky.

might also want to have some sort of point system, and even at the end if it just reset automatically that would be cool although a second level would be even cooler.

what did you use for an engine? or is this just written purely in code?

i only ask because ive been wanting to get into it and im thinking of using the jmonkey engine, but havent had much time to mess with it yet.
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Android first try - 06/21/11 06:43


welcome to Android Developement


isn't it easy as hell?

Well not yet - I just started and I'm also new to Java. So it's more reading then coding at this point of time wink

Many thanks for trying it out and your feedback.
It's important to me to get knowing, how it behaves on different devices in early stages of development, because by now I have no sense for this new environment.

you might want to let the user calibrate

Yes - this is important! It must also work if someone is couching in his bed with screenside down.
Points are planned.

what did you use for an engine? or is this just written purely in code?

Its just Java and the Android SDK - no engine.
Posted By: Schubido

Re: Android first try - 06/27/11 07:25

Updated (same download link)
- counting points & time
- improved start screen
- beetles try to escape => more tricky
- response to device movement more sensitive
- initial position of device at game start is taken as zero angle
- endless level (re-spawning of lady birds)
- no flowers at starting position of butterfly net

Feedback still wellcome - especially behavior on different devices.
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