Posted By: AlbertoT

NVIDIA - 11/03/11 18:03


I want to buy a new desk top
I selected two models
one is fitted with a GPU NVIDIA GT520 , Price : 700 euro
The other one with a GTX 560 TI , Price : 1000 euro
Both cards support Direct X 11
Same INTEL CPU , RAM memory , and HD

I wonder whether it is really worth while spending 300 euro more just to have a GTX series rather than the previous GT

I realize of course that , up to a certain extent, it is a matter of taste
But my question is

Can you really appreciate the difference in a real game ?
I am not interested inn benchmark tests laugh

Thanks in advance

Posted By: alibaba

Re: NVIDIA - 11/03/11 18:13

definitely the one with gtx 560ti. mor power. x60gtx series is very powerful
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: NVIDIA - 11/03/11 18:30

A 560 is way better than a 520, but with the same other components it's way too expensive wink

(Why not building up your computer yourself?)
Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: NVIDIA - 11/03/11 19:23

actually the price difference should be less than 200 euro
Posted By: painkiller

Re: NVIDIA - 11/03/11 19:39

I never buy pre-built computers, instead I buy all the components I want from a computer store and then I build the PC at home
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: NVIDIA - 11/03/11 19:59

Buying a prebuilt PC is a bad idea. First off, Prebuilt PCs are more expensive. Second, they often come with only a few opportunities for upgrades beyond adding more RAM and changing the graphics card. Third, they are often times loaded with all kinds of bloatware and weird drivers that neither you nor your computer really need.

On the contrary, building your own PC is cheaper and gives you the ability to pick out the parts yourself, which allows you to extend the potential lifetime of the PC. There are only two drawbacks to this method: 1) you must BUY your OS separately, just like the good ol' days, and 2) the setup process might take a little time.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: NVIDIA - 11/03/11 20:47

Good retailers/distributors of pre-built PCs will usually give you lots of customisation options, give you deals on certain upgrades, let you choose not to have any bloatware at all, and actually be cheaper than building your own PC unless you hunt for really good deals on each part all over the place. They're also no less upgradeable than a custom PC AND they often come with (even if for a small price) a money-back or replacement guarantee. I had been upgrading my PC for 6 or 7 years, I think, and then enough parts were so old that I finally decided to start from scratch. So glad I did.

I suggest you get the GTX 560. I've got a GTX 580, and it's awesome. I normally go mid-end, though, and I'm always glad I did (I just got a really good deal on the high-end rig). And more than that: the lower end cards of each generation (such as the 520, I imagine) are usually severe under-performers -- they're cheap, but slow. You'll almost never used the advance features they technically support, because their low performance means those features are often impractical in an actual game.
Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: NVIDIA - 11/03/11 20:57

Thanks a lot for your suggestion
I will go for the GTX 560
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