KarBOOM has been Greenlit!

Posted By: JibbSmart

KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/04/15 01:33

KarBOOM has been Greenlit!!

What else can I say? I wasn't expecting it. It wasn't actually in the top 100, by user votes. But it's not the votes that get you greenlit; the votes just help you get Valve's attention. And someone at Valve must have accidentally clicked the "Greenlight" button on KarBOOM tongue

This is especially motivating as I'm working on a new update that adds a bunch of abilities, including (experimentally, so subject to change) projectile attacks, flying, remote bombs. I also plan on adding a bunch of new levels, time permitting. So, there's a big dose of motivation for me!

I'm not active on this community much, but I still hover around here laugh Although KarBOOM is no longer a GameStudio game, this is where the first versions of the game were born, and this community was incredibly helpful and supportive as I developed it.

Thanks so much!

EDIT: In case anyone's wondering, it took 480 days to get Greenlit, though there's a huge lot I could've done better specifically with regard to Greenlight.
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/04/15 07:39

This is awesome news, congratulations Jibb!

I certainly remember testing the game in the past with you (back when you were still developing with Gamestudio, but I've also tried the newer versions), and I've also taken your past advice in serious consideration for when I prepare a greenlight page for Barony... so, hopefully I can get that greenlit sometime in the future too. laugh

But yeah, congrats man! laugh I'll definitely buy this when it comes out! grin
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/04/15 08:45

grin Thanks, Redeemer! I remember playing online with you (and a bunch of other GS users), and you were also my minimum standard for PC specs tongue You were very involved in testing and feedback, and I really appreciate that!

Unfortunately, online hasn't made it into the Unity version of KarBOOM. But if I'm working on my own games full time again, it's definitely something I'd like to tackle again laugh

Regarding Greenlight advice: I hope that works out for Barony! I could only say what not to do, and what people think they wanted instead of what I did tongue
Posted By: Quad

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/04/15 15:35


I hope that the incoming sales boosts your income enough to return to making games full-time, at least for a while.
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/04/15 18:34

Originally Posted By: JibbSmart
grin Thanks, Redeemer! I remember playing online with you (and a bunch of other GS users), and you were also my minimum standard for PC specs tongue You were very involved in testing and feedback, and I really appreciate that!

Hahaha, well, there's no way I can fill that role now unfortunately tongue I've seriously upgraded my computer situation since then. laugh

Originally Posted By: JibbSmart
Unfortunately, online hasn't made it into the Unity version of KarBOOM. But if I'm working on my own games full time again, it's definitely something I'd like to tackle again laugh

I read your blog post about that on steam sometime ago - it does sound like a difficult problem, and I don't know if there's any real solution to making satisfying physics with all that latency, but then again you have changed the mechanics of the game a lot since the days when the Kars had very little traction and that could make things a little easier. I don't know.

Originally Posted By: JibbSmart
Regarding Greenlight advice: I hope that works out for Barony! I could only say what not to do, and what people think they wanted instead of what I did tongue

That's still really helpful though, it's 99% of the reason actually that I'm waiting to finish the game and get a humble widget installed on our website BEFORE we launch the greenlight... we're counting on getting a lot of unique visitors to our page as happened to you so that we can (hopefully) translate that into early sales and word of mouth. We'll see how that goes I guess.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/05/15 06:46

Thanks, Quad laugh

@Redeemer: Glad it's helpful laugh I still stand by those suggestions. Looking forward to hearing how that goes!
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/05/15 15:10

Congrats, your game really deserved getting greenlit.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/07/15 14:46

Thanks Kartoffel!
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/07/15 15:31

I'm really glad you made it, JibbSmart. What a pitty you moved away from Gamestudio though... All the best for you!
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/07/15 19:38

What a pitty you moved away from Gamestudio though...

Maybe if Gamestudio had kept with the times and also been multiplatform he would've stayed tongue
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/09/15 12:31

Much appreciated laugh
Yeah, I'm certainly not doing anything I couldn't do just as easily in Gamestudio, besides run on Linux and Mac. But I really felt that being relatively OS-agnostic is best for gaming, so I jumped ship!

It's such a shame that Gstudio has been so... quiet lately.
Posted By: Error014

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/10/15 15:22

It's such a shame that Gstudio has been so... quiet lately.

Dude, no worries! As jcl reported here...

Originally Posted By: jcl
the update is readier

... Yeah.
It gets better if you imagine him cackling maniacly on his chair after typing that.

It's hard not to get frustrated at the development speed and updates given.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: KarBOOM has been Greenlit! - 02/11/15 07:59

Haha, I imagine he cackled himself through the rest of the day and to sleep after typing that tongue
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