hard or easy

Posted By: ChoasWeasle

hard or easy - 09/10/06 16:29

is game studio hard to work ot easy i am a 12 year old boy do you think i would be able to do it

a bit about me
i am in year 7 all my friends call me computer geek

Posted By: Grimber

Re: hard or easy - 09/10/06 17:09

I've seen people younger than you make full games with 3DGS.

but hard or easy? that depends on you and what you know ( and don't know)
it's not impossible to learn either, takes time, patiance and practice
Posted By: ChoasWeasle

Re: hard or easy - 09/10/06 17:16

thank you i think i might buy a book on c to start of with or look in the tutorial section
Posted By: ChoasWeasle

Re: hard or easy - 09/10/06 17:27

o yea and can i sell my games withh out the customers haveing to have purchased 3dgs
Posted By: aztec

Re: hard or easy - 09/10/06 18:21

I started at the age of 12 too at the beginning I learned some level designing with blocks later then I stoped for some years 2 or some now Im 15 and Im a beginner at scripting when I was 12 I could understand some things like vars ors something like that now I know it
so it depends on you
Posted By: ChoasWeasle

Re: hard or easy - 09/10/06 18:33

yea thats what i did i actually started at 10 but i wasnt ready and dident understand much but now im trying to learn again onto my question do the customers of my games have to have 3dgs to play them
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: hard or easy - 09/10/06 19:11

No, they don't have to have 3DGS. If you own a 3dgs version (bought, full-version) you can "publish" the games and they are compiled into a .exe file + the external files.
Posted By: Shaque

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 00:16

Strewth... I'm 40 and can barely understand C-Script. I'm glad there is some young people out there learning early.
Posted By: ChoasWeasle

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 16:32

your 40 and can bearly understand c script i bearly think ill be able to learn it, and on the trial only the script editer works but im going to buy some thing if i cant test it all of it.
i really want to test the model editer beacouse im stuk using wings3d at the moment, and game studio dosent work but thats the main program.

any answer me why they dont work

and would it be hard to make my project in 3dgs ive put all the info on it on a web site which can be found here
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 16:54


and would it be hard to make my project in 3dgs ive put all the info on it on a web site which can be found here

Yea, It will be hard to make any game in any engine. Doesnt matter which engine you choose. 3Ddgs will probally be one of the easiest however.

It takes alot of planning and hard work ... Im not trying to discourage you in the least. Its very possible no matter what age you are. One thing I like to keep in mind is that large teams of deveolpers can take years to create one game. Seeing as that you are new to 3dgs and game dev in general chances are its going to take quite some time. First you have to learn the tools youll be using, learn basic and advanced scripting ect...

If you think buying 3dgs will allow you to create your game within the next year then your probally in for a big dissapointment. If you realize that it is going to take quite some time before you have your game up and running then Id say its well worth the money.

The important thing to remember is to have fun. Its a learning processs and it takes time and patience. If you can put them into it I dont think youll be dissapointed at all.

One thing Id like to add. I have had more fun playing with 3dgs wether im creating models, building levels or doing some scripting then I have had with any game.


beacouse im stuk using wings3d at the moment

Stuck using wings3d? Well I hate to say this but I dont think med is any better.. If it is at all. Granted it has improved much with in the last few updates but still wings3d in my opinion is a better package. I personally use blender for my modeling needs.

As for 3dgs not working... What happens when you try to run it? I suggest removing it completley and try reinstalling it and see if that helps.
Posted By: ChoasWeasle

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 16:59

what happens when i run it is it says trial version exspired and counts down to from 5 and then u have to clike ok and it just disapeers and ive tryed reinstalling it

and id rather use the modeler that comes with it beacouse it can put texters on my models and animate them which wings can not do, plus when i exsport my models from wings to blender the coulour doesent come out
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 17:12

Well that means youve had the demo for more then 30 days in which case you cant use it anymore. The 30 days shouldve been long enough to try out all the features and make a decision... If you just installed it then that means that either you or someone else had it installed before.

Are you just using materials... I havent used wings3d but I think it should work. However you have to have a UV map in order for the texture to show in 3dgs or whatever... I know for fact that blender can both animate and texture your models and export directly to mdl format. In fact I find animation and texturing much easier in blender then in med. Im pretty sure wings3d can do the same... Well maybe not export directly to .mdl but should be able to create animations and uv maps...
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 17:15

Its a 30-days trial ... once installed the 30 days are running out after 30 days
Looks like you have already used it for 30 days so you have come to the point to make a decision:
buy it or don't buy it, thats the question

I agree with everything FeiHongJr said, but this:
"Well I hate to say this but I dont think med is any better.. If it is at all"

For me MED is quite ok, but I'm no modeler, so you shouldn't give anything for my opinion about a modeling tool
Posted By: David

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 17:53

Don't know about it being hard or easy, that is all in one's perspective.
I find building an FM transmitter, tower, and studios easy but very time consuming and there is much meticulous work. Others look at the station when I am done and ask, "how in the world did you build all this, you must be a genious?"
No, I just read a lot and attended N.C. T&E, not to be confused with Texas A&M.
N.C. T&E is N.C. Trial and Error.
3DGS is the same, much reading, much time, ideas between other engineers (designers and builders) and a lot of Trial and Error.
As one input said, do not expect to get it down and put out a game in one year. Won't happen, unless you use all the template codes and make a simple 5 level game, spending 12 hours a day making it and not worrying about shaders or lights or texture line-up, all the detail work.
You may be able to do it, you are young and have a lot of "brain" space left.
I'm old, older than the guy that said he was 40. So my brain is not quite as fast at picking up things. Took me years to understand broadcast engineering and I still am far from all the answers.
Deligence, patience, willing to accept errors, and taking advice from the Experts, (of which I am not) will go a long way to your becoming successful.
I can only devote a few hours a week to this, but I enjoy making the levels and the game more than I enjoy playing each level.

God speed and happy gaming.

David Robinson
Posted By: ChoasWeasle

Re: hard or easy - 09/11/06 17:56

aww so i cant use the trial version i havent even used it o well like i said im not going to buy something i cant test, lots of days searching througe google looking for another game engine. If i dont find any thing ill come back to 3dgs
Posted By: anonymous_alcoho

Re: hard or easy - 09/12/06 01:44

Haha, you're still in school!

Sorry, just graduated High School four months ago, still abit high off that.

Anyways, I started with Gamestudio four years ago. I was 15. My only computer skillz at the time were in basic HTML. Now I'm somewhat good at it. I just experimented around with GameStudio. I have an RTS in the works (on hold due to college, Aviation Flight Ops major doesn't leave me much free time) right now.

It takes determination. if you are willing to stick with it and experiment, you can use this program.

My advice is to start making small games, do a few tutorials, do a few experiments, mess around with C-Script and eventually you'll get it.

And you won't find a free 3d game engine that works very well. Gamestudio was pretty cheap at 49.
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