Level disaligned problem

Posted By: Shaque

Level disaligned problem - 09/13/06 05:42

I don't understand why I keep having this problem, but it's getting on my nerves. I build a level for starters like this... build large box, size it x/y/z, make hollow cube, no problems with the level, but not what I'm after.

Here is the problem... build 8 sided cylinder, size x/y/z, make it a floor/ground. Create 8 perfectly aligned walls and copy the ground cylinder to make a ceiling and align everything to the grid and snap all vertices. Texture all faces, make a start position and add a character. Add lighting and props, build level... error, level is disaligned.

I tried to remove the ceiling and made a huge sky sphere, this works with the previous method, but not when I build the level wall at a time. Why is it that whenever I do it in the latter method that my level is either disaligned or has no geometry? Please help someone... I'm running A6.22 Pro.

EDIT: I'm sorry, I just realised I posted in the wrong area. Sorry, sorry...
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