Why is GS selling GameSpace with their A6?

Posted By: Noob65

Why is GS selling GameSpace with their A6? - 10/31/06 17:56

I thought GSA6 was a complete package, why buy them as a package? Is GameSpace's model rendering better than A6?

Posted By: Excessus

Re: Why is GS selling GameSpace with their A6? - 10/31/06 17:59

Well gamespace is a bad modeller, but MED is worse
Posted By: Noob65

Re: Why is GS selling GameSpace with their A6? - 10/31/06 18:04

Is Milkshape better?

Posted By: broozar

Re: Why is GS selling GameSpace with their A6? - 10/31/06 19:34

ummm... definitely NO. Wings3d eats em all
Posted By: Noob65

Re: Why is GS selling GameSpace with their A6? - 10/31/06 19:53

Why do you think it's so good, their website is pretty lame and have very little information. I'm more impressed by XSI, but still don't know if they are compatible with A6.

Posted By: anonymous_alcoho

Re: Why is GS selling GameSpace with their A6? - 10/31/06 20:18


Well gamespace is a bad modeller, but MED is worse

I disagree. If you figure it out, Gamespace is actually pretty easy to use and the few bugs that I've run into can be avoided. Simply save before mirroring, union/subtraction, fillet and some of the other tools. GS and Gamestudio have been a good combination for me anyways.
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