Beginner problem with shading

Posted By: Gumby22don

Beginner problem with shading - 12/20/06 23:15

Hi all,

I've started playing with 6.5 commercial, and I can't get shading to work in my level. I'm doing a sopwith-style side-scroller, and I have a simple level which is an imported landscape (box with rough top side) and a couple of lights.
I create the entity for the plane with c-script, and it flies around ok, so I'm getting there. I just can't seem to figure out why everything in my level is flat shaded, with no shadows from the plane entity onto the ground.
Not sure if I might have to set up the ground as a map entity or model, or whatever. Its currently a mdl7 format model, just imported into MED, then put into the WED level.

Any help with setting up my basic shading would be appreciated.

have a great day
Posted By: Paulo_Sousa

Re: Beginner problem with shading - 12/22/06 00:46


I believe you are saying that your plane won't cast a shadow according to your lighting? Well, I think that ain't achievable... According to someone I know that has Commercial updated...
Wait for more answers...

Posted By: Gumby22don

Re: Beginner problem with shading - 12/22/06 09:29

Hey, thanks for a response

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I basically want to know what the minimum is to have z-buffer shadows working from one entity (moving and scripted) to another entity (static, terrain or model) As i understand it, z-buffer shadows should occur as down-projected shadow maps of entitys onto the next surface. I just can't seem to get any shading onto my level model.

have a great day
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: Beginner problem with shading - 12/22/06 10:40


You have to tell the engine, that you want to use stencil buffer shadows:
You can simply write

var shadow_stencil = on;

There are currently some restrictions about these shadows, so you might look into the manual for details ...
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: Beginner problem with shading - 12/23/06 19:45

He was talking about z-buffer shadows IMHO. These can be switched on by adding
my.shadow = 1;
to the entity's action.
As far as I know, z-buffer shadow project onto any block that has been compiled in "shaded" mode, and behave according to the sunlight. Thus, I assume you'd also need to set a global sunlight to get the shadows working, but I'm not sure about this one. It has been a long time since I last used z-buffer shadows...
Posted By: zwecklos

Re: Beginner problem with shading - 12/24/06 13:03

isnt the problem that the z-buffer shadow only works on BSP Block (WED-Blocks)?
Or did this thing change with 6.5?


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