Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate?

Posted By: CBSection31

Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/25/07 20:41

I'm using blocks set to "none" to simulate shadows for complex static entities, but I am wondering if these blocks impact the game's frame rate even though they are invisible. Is this the case, or does it only slow down the compiling process? Thanks!
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 01:22

blocks with their surfaces set to none do IMPROVE yor framerate. Infact, a good level designer sets all non-visible surfaces of the blocks(those wich the player will never, or should never, see ingame) to none, so it improves the framerate, even if it are just small surfaces(like the downside of a wall) but it all sums up
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 02:34

Best way: Select all of your blocks, set them ALL to none, then go back and texture JUST the visible portions. It's usually a case where you have fewer sides of a block visible than not, so this can save time.
Posted By: CBSection31

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 05:58

Thank you for your quick responses! I actually already did this with the walls, floor, etc. in my level because of speed.

My question is, does the framerate slow down at all just by the block's existance in the first place, even if ALL its surfaces are "none"?

In other words, say I have a square room with a giant crate in the center. The crate itself is an entity. I want the crate to cast a shadow using blocks, and so I create an invisible block around the crate to cast a shadow around the room. The block that is on the crate is invisible, but it DOES cast shadows. Does this make the framerate any slower than if I had never made that center block over the entity?

Thanks again!
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 06:38

Not really, yet at the same time, yes.

What I mean by that is that no, the block itself shouldn't give you a hit on framerate, BUT, by having that block there, you're dealing with shadows, which is going to affect your framerate.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 08:20

The shadows are saved in the shadowmap, and thus do not affect the framerate.
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 14:47

Dynamic shadows won't affect framerate?
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 15:07

static shadows
Posted By: CBSection31

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 15:16

The shadows are static. The entity itself isn't casting any dynamic shadows. Thanks, guys!
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 15:22

The blocks would affect speed in another way as they would be considered in collision detection.
Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Do blocks set to "none" impact framerate? - 01/26/07 22:27

An invisible block will not affect the framerate just by being there. Well, actually it will, but by such an insignificant amount, that you shouldn't wory about it.
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