Easiest genre for beginning designers?

Posted By: Jay_Watergate

Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 02:08

I am interested in several different genres of video games, and would love to develope for all of them. However, to start out, I want a nice and easy project, so as I do not burn myself out on the idea before I even get started. My favorite genres are:

Strategy (Problem Solving/RTS)

Obviously, any of these could potentially be difficult to design, but in general, which of these genres is easiest to design a game around? I have heard a lot about FPS's being the easiest to make, but is that really true (again, in general).

Thank you,
Jay Watergate
Posted By: MrCode

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 02:35

In my opinion:

If you're a programmer: Puzzle.

If you're a level designer: FPS.

If you're a model designer: Racing or Party (they have a lot of focusing on one or many models close up).
Posted By: Jay_Watergate

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 02:55

haha, well technically, I am none of those, yet. However, I would say that I am more of a modeler/level designer than anything... I guess that leaves FPS, racing or party.

Since party would rely extensivly on multiplayer, which I feel will be a very daunting task, that is also out. Ok then, racing or FPS, that narrows it down. Thank you... any other comments are of course welcome.

Posted By: padrino

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 07:23

First Person Shooter... Definitly the easiest.
Posted By: tompo

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 07:29

FPS or Arcade
FP-S is the best choice for the beginning
But true is that very good FPS is harder to do than poor RTS
Posted By: vlau

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 08:56

I'll say choose the one that you like mostly,
because you'll not give it up easily.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 09:30

fps is easily the easiest. not a good fps of course my first project was an fps with a shotgun, an automatic rifle, and a special stone that slows down time. i had baddies that would run directly towards you if they could see you, and if they hear a gunshot they turn around to see where it came from. lots of fun to make, but playing it quickly got old

racing can be quite hard if you don't know your physics. and i don't mean programming your own physics engine either, you can't really use a physics engine properly without a little knowledge of how things in real life interact, forces, etc.

Posted By: Jay_Watergate

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 14:42


racing can be quite hard if you don't know your physics

I think I have that covered, as I really enjoyed/did well in physics class . I dont really know how all of the equations would translate into programming, but as long as I know how they work, it shouldnt be THAT hard... maybe. Anyways, if nothing else... Ill make a game with some of each of these genres, so that I dont get bogged down with any one project.

For example, the first level will be "fight your way to the car", level 2 will be "escape in the car", and level 3 will be... extreme tetris. Haha, I dont know, itll work itself out in the end. Thank you all for the help, i think ill start on this in the near future.

Posted By: Doug

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 16:58

If you try to make three games you'll get nothing done.

If you want to use physics, try a basic car demo. Set up a simple level in WED with ramps, walls, loops, etc. Then try to create a car that is fun to drive.

Trust me, you can spend days doing this and, if you succeed, you'll have some very useful skills at the end of it.
Posted By: Error014

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 22:33

Aah... Thats not a bad idea, to start with something easy. Back then, when I started out - we are now entering the dark, misty past of mine, back when everything was better - I made a FPS. Ah yes. It didn't teach me a thing about programming, though, because I was following the tutorial (back then, I either was stupid, my english was horrible or the tutorial was not so great, or maybe a combination of those) and didn't do much on my own. Yeah, back then, I was certain I'd become a leveldesigner.

Hahahah! A leveldesigner! Me! Get it? Hah! Oh man, thats comedy gold. The very idea...!

If you don't want to learn programming (because you want to become a leveldesigner just like me, only, you know, you actually become one and don't turn into a "programmer"), then an FPS might be a good choice because the Templates work best for those. Uuuh... or do they? Honestly, its been a while since I used them. Like, A4. ..... Okay, so, ignore this advice

The point is, when you just start out, you can probably do any genre (besides racing, as this does present unique and not-so-easy challenges, what with all that physics!). Your first game won't be that great, anyway (sorry ). At least, it wasn't for me, and I even made a thread in which I showed that game to all you guys. However, due to the evil forces of this forum, it seems that it has been killed. Why? It was such a cool post Why did you kill it, Conitec? Did you do it, Doug? It was you, right? You sat down with an evil grin and then, you clicked on that button and... and it was... Nooooooooooooooooo!

Ahem. Where was I? Yes. Do a FPS, an RPG or whatever you want. Even if you won't finish it, you will certainly learn something. I think it is better if you try to create an RPG and fail, but have fun while doing it, then doing an FPS and maybe even finishing it, but thinking "man, I wish I would be creating the next Final Fantasy right now". Do whatever you want! You now have an engine right there! The world is yours! (Its not... its really not.). In most genres, you'll find a somewhat easy startingpoint. You DO make this FinalFantasy-RPG? Well, then try making the movement on the overworld/dungeon-map! It will teach you about collision, vectors and many, fun things! You do want to make that shooter? Well, you could certainly start with movement again. Etc.

So... do what you think is fun and what you want to do. You won't finish a good game, probably, but you'll have fun doing it.
Or try to make a minigame. I'm a minigamemaniac. I did a whole bunch of them (see my blog). And they were all awesome. So if you have a nice idea for a small minigame, then do that! These are easier to finish, which give you a nice motivationbonus. They are short enough that you are able to enter the last phase of "just applying the finishing touches... OH GOD NO WHAT KIND OF BUG IS THAT I WILL NEVER FINISH THIS". So its a good learning experience all around.
Then, you're just missing the organization of a large project. And if you can do that, then you're better then most people - at least, as far as gamedesign is concerned.
The big rule is: Have fun!

I'm still kinda sad that my wonderful post is gone. It's just not that one, either. I once made weird comics, which are also lost.
Okay, so that ones for the better.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/22/07 23:23


I think I have that covered, as I really enjoyed/did well in physics class . I dont really know how all of the equations would translate into programming, but as long as I know how they work, it shouldnt be THAT hard... maybe.

all you need is high school physics, then using 3DGS physics engine should be easy as pie but if you mean making your own physics, it's a little harder than it sounds

Posted By: not_me

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/29/07 22:15

3dgs by itself(with out extra scripts) is a fps engine no doubt about it the template scripts are centered around fps.
Posted By: Nems

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 06/30/07 19:07

I think Arcade would be easy to do but because of all the help from old threads, FPS would be a good way to go.

Making a car one like Doug says can be a whole heap of fun as when you have everything working well you'd probably want to make different tracks and environments which is great for increasing your skill range as each new level would probably promt you to add more assetts that may need more scripts, then competitors (AI), environment and so on.

I started with FPS and I'm still stuck in learning mode!
Posted By: Doug

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 07/02/07 20:27


3dgs by itself(with out extra scripts) is a fps engine no doubt about it the template scripts are centered around fps.

Nope. There really isn't anything about the engine itself that makes it more suited for FPS then racing, RPG, or anything else.

The template scripts are centered around fps because that's what most people want to make.
Posted By: MrCode

Re: Easiest genre for beginning designers? - 07/02/07 23:34


that's what most people want to make.

Not me! I like to be different, as in I use Gamestudio for things other than games, too. I have already created AckNote, which is NOT a game (get ready for a BIG screenshot, ):

Stupid ImageShack, I TOLD it to resize to 1024x768 (the real image size), but no cigar, .

Oh, well. At least it's viewable.
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