lighting problems on models

Posted By: camelot22020

lighting problems on models - 09/20/07 03:35

This may be a silly question, I made just a simple box in MED, but in WED when i run the level the box model seems to be ignoring the lighting, so the box is brightly and evenly illuminated and yet the level geometry blocks behind it and around it are shadowed and lit by the lights.... any ideas why? Thanks!
Posted By: Marwan

Re: lighting problems on models - 09/20/07 13:31

which gamestudio version you have?
Posted By: camelot22020

Re: lighting problems on models - 09/20/07 15:54

i'm using 6.50. actually i sort of figured part of it out. In Med the origin wasn't in the center of the model, that seemed to fix it. there's still a problem though. Now that I moved the origin, the model is (for instance) lit by the blue light that's in the level, BUT... it's evenly lit, so I lined up 6 of the boxes touching each other down a hallway and the one farthest from the light is dark, and each one getting closer gets brighter. it's even though, it's not a gradual change (if that makes sense). I guess I don't understand how the lighting is applied to the models. do i need maybe more polygons on the flat surfaces so the lighting can get re-applied to each polygon, thus creating a gradual change in brightness across the model? Thanks
Posted By: cro_games

Re: lighting problems on models - 09/20/07 21:17


This may be a silly question, I made just a simple box in MED, but in WED when i run the level the box model seems to be ignoring the lighting, so the box is brightly and evenly illuminated and yet the level geometry blocks behind it and around it are shadowed and lit by the lights.... any ideas why? Thanks!

Have you used skin?
Posted By: camelot22020

Re: lighting problems on models - 09/20/07 22:15

I'm using xXxGuitar511's normal mapping shader on the box models. for some reason though, even though they're behaving almost correctly, they are lit by the lights and everything, there is a visible seam when they are placed next to each other, like each one has a uniform brightness which is slightly different from the one before it and after it.
Posted By: cro_games

Re: lighting problems on models - 09/21/07 10:28

Send that level in zip to me so i can see the problem.
Posted By: Freddy_dup1

Re: lighting problems on models - 09/21/07 18:11

What kind of lights are you using?
If you want to see the Model like it looks in the MED-Preview
you have to use dynamic lights.
Setting the dynamic flag in the light properties won`t help.
The lights must be set by script.
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