3D Commercial vs. Professional edition..which one?

Posted By: genericaudio

3D Commercial vs. Professional edition..which one? - 12/29/07 03:59


I am new to video game development. I am very interested in 3D Game Studio. I am hoping someone can explain the important differences between the "Professional" and "Commercial" editions.

I am most interested in what the differences in these two features means:

Trial Mode Function:
Commerical=no, Professional=yes

Plugin/Engine SDK:
Commerical=open source, Professional=full license

I am also interested in what the difference in these features are:

Commercial=chunked, Professional=chunked+LOD

Level Editor:
Commerical=yes, Professional=distributable

Scene Manager:
Commercial=ABT, Professional=ABT+BSP

Levels of Detail:
Commerical= manual, Professional=automatic

Bones Animation:
Commerical=yes, Professsional=+weights

Logo Display:
Commerical=startup, Professional=customizable

Trial Mode Function:
Commerical=no, Professional=yes

Plugin/Engine SDK:
Commerical=open source, Professional=full license

Thank you for any insights.
Posted By: adoado

Re: 3D Commercial vs. Professional edition..which - 12/29/07 09:49

Hello ^^


Trial Mode Function:
Commerical=no, Professional=yes

I am guessing that this means you can make a trial version of your game, or so called 'time bombed' or something similar

As the SDK, I am not sure...


Commercial=chunked, Professional=chunked+LOD

I am not 100% sure how chunking works, but I believe that it divides the terrain up into sections of a certain size during runtime, making huge terrains possible. Terrain LOD, I am assuming would allow you to have several terrain LOD (level of detail) levels.


Commerical=yes, Professional=distributable

I think this means you can distribute a premade level editor with your game


Commercial=ABT, Professional=ABT+BSP

These are the way that scenes are managed. I am no expert on this, so maybe someone else could give some insight into the pros and cons of each? ^^


Commerical= manual, Professional=automatic

This means that if you want different LOD steps. In commercial, you must manually model each LOD step. In pro version, I guess it is procedurally done


Commerical=yes, Professsional=+weights

Bones are a tool used for rigging a character and 'arbitrarily' animating it in realtime. Vertex weights I think is simply a tool that allows several bones to share the same vertex, and each bone affectts it by a different amount, making smooth and advanced animations possible.


Commerical=startup, Professional=customizable

This may mean the startup screen of the engine itself. With pro it is fully customizable..

Hope it helps a little

Posted By: genericaudio

Re: 3D Commercial vs. Professional edition..which - 12/31/07 06:00

thank you!
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