Runtime Error when updating entities

Posted By: Lawrence

Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/04/08 19:02

When I create a level and build it I have no troubles. If I add a entity then rebuild using the update entity it gives me a runtime error.

Rubtime Error!
Program:C:\Program Files\GStudio7\wwmp2wmb.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

I am running A7 commercial on a hp laptop.
Posted By: Lawrence

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/05/08 14:49

Has no one else seen this problem. I am going to load A7 on another machine and see if this still exists.
Posted By: Lawrence

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/05/08 18:10

I load A7 on another machine and I have the same problem on the desktop. I also get the same error if I try to update the lights. I have no problem doing a full build only when I try an update build. No problem with the updating textures. Is this a bug in A7?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Posted By: Trooper119

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/07/08 04:54

It sounds like your trying to run a .exe file, that is the published version of a game, if your still editing you should be messing with the .wmp files, .wmp files are editable and are messed with in MED, and WED however .exe files are the final product, by changing something that that has already been compiled you are quite successfully breaking the game, you must hit the build and run key when editing your game, not the publish key (in file).
Start out with the tutorials, or an AUM or two, since it doesn't seem like you've really mastered the basics yet.
Posted By: Lawrence

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/07/08 14:34

Hi Trooper,

I did not publish the game, nor am I using a published file. I was building from scratch. I do not have this problem with A6 commercial(I reinstalled it to see if it works). I created a new file, put in a hollow cube, textured it, saved it as test01, and then clicked on the <build> button, clicked on the <Build BSP Map> button and it builds. Then I add a model from GameStudio and then clicked on <build> button and then clicked on the <Update Entities> button (just like in A6) that is when I get this error. If I do a build BSP Map it works. The same happens when I add a light and try to update Lights. As I said before I can update textures.

Posted By: Trooper119

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/07/08 21:07

I appologize, since I'm not at home I can't test my theory, but I'll try to remember to edit this when I do.

I'd have to guess your updating parts of the level and leaving out others, and perhaps since the right parts aren't being updated, it may be giving an error for that. So try updating all of your level with different functions to see if it works, this is fishy though so I'll ask another question.

Can you get it to work on any level, (perhaps a simpler level) where you change 1 thing and build, and run it and it works, if not, can you simply build and run an existing level and get it to work?

If you can't I'm guessing WED has issues for some reason, I'll update this post if I can remember to do it when I get home, but right now I've given up WED for a more SED related way to coding games, and building from there (in A7) and loading in pre-built A5 levels (from WED) works just fine for me.

Perhaps someone else can help, but hopefully another set of eyes can help you with this.
Posted By: Lawrence

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/15/08 16:07

Hi Trooper,

I am not sure what you are talking about not updating everything. According to tutorials and such, running A6, placing a new light in the level I should be able to just update the lights and not the whole level. I created a small level of 1 hollow cube, textured it, did the build, added a light and tried to update the light and that error occurs. I wonder if this should be placed in the bugs group and maybe someone from Conitec will respond. Maybe they know of this error.
Posted By: Nems

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/16/08 01:40

Check your model skin, that may be the prob.
Posted By: Lawrence

Re: Runtime Error when updating entities - 02/19/08 16:01

Hey Nems,

I am having trouble with the lights updater as well. I am not able to update any new entities. The whole idea of updating is so that in a large level you make some changes you do not have to build the whole thing again(can take along time to do with large levels). I have used models that come with A7 itself or using the prefabs.

I am suprised that Conitec has not answered on this error or bug.
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