entity definition

Posted By: Oberon3d

entity definition - 02/20/08 23:55


I have been defining entities for ages using the method :

entity* numberone;

action whatever
numberone = me;

It doesn't seem to work anymore... In the manual says something about defining the now using something like:

ENTITY* numberone = { whatever whatever...}

is this the only working way now to define entities?...why has it changed?

Posted By: slacer

Re: entity definition - 02/23/08 22:46

Hi Oberon3D,

it still works with A7.
You only need to apply the action "rotator" to your entity (mdl, no sprite) and you should see your entity is rotating. In this case the main loop controls the animation.

-- slacer

// lab.wdl

entity* KUGEL;

action rotator {
my.shadow = on;
KUGEL = me;
function main() {
level_load( "lab.wmb" );

while(1) {
while (!KUGEL) {
if ( KUGEL ) {
kugel.pan += 3 * time_step;


Posted By: Ottawa

Re: entity definition - 02/25/08 17:41

Hi Oberon3d !

I use in ver 7.07:

ENTITY* numberone;

action whatever ()
numberone = me;

Hope this helps
Posted By: G_Tos

Re: entity definition - 02/26/08 16:07

And how can I controll view-entities with other functions (position, etc.)? There doesn't work "numberone=my" ...Please help me!

Wie kann ich view-entities von anderen actions/functions aus steuern (position, winkel, etc.)?

Thx schonmal!
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