Terrain problems!

Posted By: pastor6217

Terrain problems! - 03/21/08 20:24

I'm a newbie. I have the A7 extra edition. I just went through the terragen tutorial and got it to work with great effort. When I build and run in WED it still looks like the RGB map. My textures are not showing up. Also I cannot apply the fx_terraintex3 behaviour, it says shader not a supported feature. I think this is just the edition I have. But the textures are really bugging me. Any help on this?
Posted By: rstralberg

Re: Terrain problems! - 03/22/08 13:55


I wrote the terragen tutorial at least if you mean How to create terrains using Terragen
and is a curios as you are on why the fx_terraintex3 shader just works when
running the program and not in MED.

Applying the the fx_terraintex3 shader is no problem for me but it only
works when running the program (not in MED).

Although that's good enough for me, I can agree with you int that it would
bee cool to see the shader do its job in MED also.

Hopefully someone with greater knowlegde of MED's internals than me
could help here. I'm a newbie also

Posted By: pastor6217

Re: Terrain problems! - 03/23/08 11:54

I can't run the shader at all, this is because I only have the A7 Extra Edition. The problem is that there are no textures when I build the terrain and try to run the level. The terrain is still Red Green and Black. How do I make the textures show up in the level build?
Posted By: rstralberg

Re: Terrain problems! - 03/23/08 12:12

The tutorial is about using a shader (which you can't in Extra) to
cover different areas with tiled textures.

Without the shader you may not use tiled textures (at least using
the fx_terraintex3). In that case you should skip the
"Create a RGB map to be used an texture map in MED" chapter
and continue with the chapter "Render the RGB-map".
You will then get a terrain texture map instead of a RGB map.

(To get different areas with grass, rocks etc, follow the instructions
in "Create a RGB map to be used an texture map in MED" but instead
of using black, red and green, use either different shades of green/brown/gray
or textures. You may here any numbers of sublayers.

You now have a RGB.bmp with a terrain texture instead of a RGB map.

Then in MED set this file a Skin0 and your done.

Posted By: pastor6217

Re: Terrain problems! - 03/23/08 23:49

Ok, this is making more sense to me now. I am finding out the futher I get into this the more I want the commercial version. I am just starting to go to college for computer programming (C++ intensified), and I want to break into programming for games. Thank you for your help! I'm sure this won't be the last you hear from me.
Posted By: rstralberg

Re: Terrain problems! - 03/23/08 23:50

You are welcome.
And good luck with school
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