my first load/encounter with the utility

Posted By: unit

my first load/encounter with the utility - 04/04/08 18:43

holy crud.. obviously i'm doing something WRONG???

previously been using a 2D dev. tool called Game Maker, it was much simpler but 3D seems to be where it's at these days so gotta keep up.. anyway i digress, sorry..

downloaded what i thought to be the dev. tool, i got 2 proggies here.. WED and SED.. (is that the total pack?)

tried to run the demo program recommended by readme.. the earthball one.. invalid page fault.. i was able to view the 'pong' demo tho'

the diablo tutorial seemed hard to follow, i'll hafta start with something much simpler untill i learn this..

is there somebody around here that would be willing to help? i'll be downloading more demo's etc.. seems i have to move all content to a certain subfolder? (why this is not the case when i unzip it, i don't know) :P anyway i knew it wouldn't be all beer and skittles, will give this some more time..

where do i get this aamd<something> patch/file/thing?

i don't got no WED?? (world editer) how am i supposed to actually MAKE something??
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: my first load/encounter with the utility - 04/04/08 20:52

I don't know what you downloaded. The official download page can be found at The demo contains the script editor SED, the world editor WED and the model editor MED.

What do you mean with aamd patch file thing?

If you got no WED your installation seems to be damaged.
Posted By: Quad

Re: my first load/encounter with the utility - 04/04/08 21:39

i think you have the lite-c free version, download the the level editor for lite-c free that won the contest.
Posted By: unit

Re: my first load/encounter with the utility - 04/05/08 00:11

i got SED and MED but no WED.. i downloaded from this 'site.. thnx for ur help \:\)

thank the gods you showed up.. i think i was passed that link in my other post but was too nub to realise.. was going to uninstall the darn thing today too!

now all i gotta do is wrap my head around the coding and i'm half way there \:\)

thnx again!!!

What do you mean with aamd patch file thing?

saw it in a text file encountered while first bashing my head on the brick wall.. can't seem to track it down now.. (isn't that always the way) not sure exactly WHAT it is - it just said i may need this file (some kind of microsux update) in order for the dev. tool to function \:\/
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