
Posted By: Anonymous

Hearing?? - 04/06/08 23:52

I am writing a hearing script for a game ... How can I tell if a entity is on screen or not on screen? I only want to run event if the player hears the foot steps of a entity off screen? I'm sure there is something for this.

Thank you for your time and help
Posted By: tindust

Re: Hearing?? - 04/07/08 05:24

You can use rel_to_screen for that.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Hearing?? - 04/07/08 17:17

Thanks didn't even know it was there .... Thank a lot
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Hearing?? - 04/09/08 17:36

rel_to_screen doesn't work at all unless I'm doing something wrong. IS there a way to run a function only if the entity is in the view. I've tried, rel_to_screen,rel_for_screen, and if (!(my.eflags&CLIPPED)){dosomething }//lite-C none of these work... Is there a command or should I ask for one in the Future thhread???

Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: Hearing?? - 04/09/08 19:32

It's not rel_to_screen, you should use vec_to_screen. The ClIPPED flag should work as well. However, if an entities CLIPPED flag is set that does not mean the entity is behind or besides the camera. It can also have its INVISIBLE flag set or be to close to or to far away from the camera.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Hearing?? - 04/09/08 20:04

Thank you vec_to_screen, is working...

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