published version of program doesn't run

Posted By: pfeldman

published version of program doesn't run - 08/23/08 05:50

When I publish a program to an exe and attempt to run it, I get the following error:

"This application has failed to start because d3dx9_30.dll was not found. Re-installed the application may fix this program."

Re-installing Lite-C did not fix the problem. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Posted By: Spirit

Re: published version of program doesn't run - 08/23/08 06:36

Originally Posted By: from the manual
Make sure that you include all required plugins from the acknex_plugins folder to the published project. For supporting older DirectX9 versions on the target machines, make sure to also include the d3dx9_30.dll from the Gamestudio folder (engine version 6.50 or above only). Those files are not automatically included as WED can not determine whether they are needed or not.

You should install a recent DirectX version, you need that for 3D games. DLLs that begin with "d3dx9" are part of DirectX and I believe this one is missing when you have a very old DirectX version from before 2004.

I'm putting this to the Starting with Gamestudio forum, the Bug Hunt forum is only for bugs. When you want to know what an error message means the quickest way is doing a manual search for a word from the error message like "d3dx9_30.dll".

BTW when you ever want distribute your games on CD ROM to other people I recommend not only to include the d3dx9_30.dll as the manual suggests but to also provide a full DX9 installer on the CD. Thats more professional.
Posted By: pfeldman

Re: published version of program doesn't run - 08/23/08 22:04

Actually, I downloaded and installed a DirectX update in Nov. of 2007. So, it is strange that I was missing this DLL. Installing the latest DirectX update did solve this problem.

I should have initially done a web search for the DLL in question.

Re. searching the manual: I've had problems with this, because a few of the manual pages run on forever, and there is no way to search within a given manual page.

Thanks very much!

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