Particles are going to make me go crazy!!!!

Posted By: GamerX

Particles are going to make me go crazy!!!! - 09/05/08 00:38

Ok so i started to play around with particles today, but i ran

into some problems that just make me want to rip my hair our.

I downloaded the easy particle 3.1 and i make a simple particle

effect then i generate and save it. I built a small empty

level to see if it worked and it did it worked like a charm.

Then i go to put it into a script that i made a few weeks

ago, like it says i put in #include <name.wdl> but when i go to

run this level it finds tons of errors with this particle

script. This doesn't make any sense to me if it worked when

it wasn't included in the script why doesn't it work when it

is included.

Here is the particle wdl
  flaming.wdl, created with EasyParticle 3.1.
  This script can be used free and without credits.
  How to use:
    Implement the script via include <flaming.wdl>; in your main WDL file.
    The action name is: flame_action
   If you recognize any mistakes in the script, please contact the support ( ).
   Have fun with the script
   TripleX --- Hawkgames
bmap fire2_farbe1 = <fire2_red.tga>;
VAR flameAnzahlPartikel = 1; //number of particles used for this effect

Function flame_spec_fun()
    my.alpha -= 25.359 *time;
    IF(My.alpha < 0) { my.alpha = 0; my.lifespan = 0; }

Function flamespezial()
{ = 128 ; = 128 ; = 128 ;
    my.bmap = fire2_farbe1; //the effect bitmap
    my.vel_x = random( 3 ) - 1.500 ;
    my.vel_y = random( 3 ) - 1.500 ;
    my.vel_z = random( 3 );
    my.size = 5.301 ;
    my.alpha = 44.926 ;
    my.gravity = 0 ;
    my.streak = off;
    my.flare = on;
    my.bright = on;
    my.beam = off;
    my.move = on;
    my.transparent = on;
    my.function = flame_spec_fun;

Function flame()
     flameAnzahlPartikel = 1;
     my.skill9 = 0;
      my.skill11 = 360 ;
     while (my.skill9 < my.skill11)
        temp.x = my.x + cos(my.skill9)*90 ;
        temp.y = my.y + sin(my.skill9)*90 ;
        temp.z = my.z;
        my.skill9 += 15 ;

action flame_action
  my.invisible = on;
  My.passable = on;

If any1 can help me out here and tell me why this is happening maybe?
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