Applying two actions in the behaviours?

Posted By: Tiles

Applying two actions in the behaviours? - 09/13/08 09:05

I have a polygonal landscape with two textures. I have also a colourmask and the multitextureterrainshader with its terrain_action.

When i use the terrain_action the colours gets replaced by the textures as thought. But my polygonal landscape with its two textures has a Zorder problem, i can see the walls behind through the ground and the walls. So I need to use a doublesided rendering, a culling action. Then the Z order works. But then i miss the terrain_action ...

I would need both at once. But there is just one action slot. Means i have either culling or terrain. Is there a way to attach two actions?

Posted By: cro_games

Re: Applying two actions in the behaviours? - 09/13/08 09:55

Change one of the "actions" to "function" and call it from other..
Posted By: Tiles

Re: Applying two actions in the behaviours? - 09/13/08 11:36

Ah, haven't thought about that. thanks smile
Posted By: cro_games

Re: Applying two actions in the behaviours? - 09/13/08 12:04

No problem man,any time..
Posted By: Tiles

Re: Applying two actions in the behaviours? - 09/13/08 12:43

Anytime? Well, then now :P

I cannot find where to put the function call for the second file. I have renamed the one action to a function. But no matter where i put the function call in the other file, i get just one of both. Either the culling or the textured level cry

I fear i have forgotten all my limited Lite C knowledge. Could you please be so kind to point me into the right direction? Zipfile with the two action files in question is attached smile
Posted By: Tiles

Re: Applying two actions in the behaviours? - 09/13/08 16:56

Problem solved. Not merging the actions. Just adding ZWriteEnable=true; in the pass p0 brackets part, which is at nearly the end of the terrainFX file. Thanks again for help smile
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