First person tilt problem.

Posted By: GamerX

First person tilt problem. - 09/17/08 00:35

Ok so im making a first person shooter but i ran into a problem with the camera and the player tilting.

Here is the script for the camera and the player views:
void make_player()
	arm = me;
		while (1)
		camera.x = arm.x;
		camera.y = arm.y;
		camera.z = arm.z + 18;
		camera.pan = arm.pan;
		camera.tilt = arm.tilt;
		arm.z = -320.500;
 		if (key_w)
    	c_move (arm, vector(7 * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, GLIDE);
    	if (key_s) c_move (my, vector(-5 * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, NULL);
		arm.pan -= 8 * mouse_force.x * time_step;
    	arm.tilt += 8 * mouse_force.y * time_step;
    	arm.tilt = clamp (arm.tilt,-20, 10);
    	if (mouse_left) {shoot_percentage = 0; gun_blowback();}
		wait (1);

Its basically just an arm with a gun that is visible.(in reality that's all there is)

The problem is that since that collision box/rotate point of

origin or what ever you want to call it is below the arm so

that it can detect collisions and i had to add z to the

camera so that the arm will be in my view when i tilt the arm

pears further away(longer/extended) from the camera and when

i tilt it up it pears closer(arm gets cut down).

I have fixed this by just moving the rotate point of origin right by the arm, but then it doesn't pick up collisions and it just goes right over things. I also tried to put the hole body in there but it doesn't help.

Any1 got any ideas?
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