Can't Open File?

Posted By: Cactus

Can't Open File? - 10/31/08 17:12

Ok I wrote this piece of code I'm not good at c-script but I thought hey this should be easy enough.
Here is what the code is suppose to do: when you click the button it is supposed to display an entity onto the screen however when I click on the button it says cannot open file, I checked and my file is in the right folder so I dont know what to do here, mabey I did somthing wrong, heres my code:

ENTITY again_ent =

type = "again.bmp";
layer = 2;

x = 20;
y = 0;
z = 0;

function button_3()

BMAP background_bmp = "background.bmp";

PANEL background_pan =
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 0;
layer = 1;
bmap = background_bmp;
button (550, 134, "button_3.bmp", "button_3_over.bmp", "button_3_over.bmp", button_3,NULL, NULL);

Help with this would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks, Cactus
Posted By: rayp

Re: Can't Open File? - 10/31/08 17:24

Maybe the file is in read-only state, cause of another app using it?
Posted By: TechMuc

Re: Can't Open File? - 10/31/08 17:44

if you want to create a new entity with the filename "again.bmp" that's the correct code:

function button_3()

if you want to show the VIEW-ENTITY you've defined above, that's the correct code
function button3()
   set(again_ent,VISIBLE); //you've already created the VIEW ent (note: that's not the way you decalare
//a normal level entity!) by declaring the struct, so you just have to make it visible :)

Posted By: rayp

Re: Can't Open File? - 10/31/08 17:50

Ure right TechMuc...i should read the questions more carefully smile
Posted By: Cactus

Re: Can't Open File? - 10/31/08 23:27

I tried the oode you gave me exactly and it gave me errors.
I have since modified the code to display a txt intead of an entity, still using the method you gave me and it gives me the same errors heres my code:

Bad or missing perameter is the error it gives

STRING try_again_str = "Try Again";

TEXT again_txt =

pos_x = 300;
pos_y = 250;
layer = 3;

string (try_again_str);
flags = INVISIBLE;

function button_3()



BMAP background_bmp = "background.bmp";

PANEL background_pan =
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 0;
layer = 0;
bmap = background_bmp;
button (550, 134, "button_3.bmp", "button_3_over.bmp", "button_3_over.bmp", button_3,NULL, NULL);

Posted By: Cactus

Re: Can't Open File? - 11/01/08 01:05

k figured it out, thx for the replies
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