Basic Trace/Scan Noob question?

Posted By: RyuShinji

Basic Trace/Scan Noob question? - 02/15/09 00:18

Hi how do I get my enemy to scan/trace for a player in a cone shape infront of it like the enemys eye view? (like metal gear solid?)
Posted By: GamerX

Re: Basic Trace/Scan Noob question? - 02/15/09 01:25

Look in the manual under c_scan, then just have it check if an entity enters the scanning area and make a conditional to test if it is the player.
c_scan will return you as the pointer to the entity that came into the area, you can then check if(you == player).
Posted By: George

Re: Basic Trace/Scan Noob question? - 02/15/09 11:53

Use something like this in the while loop that's used by the enemy's action:

c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(120, 60, 1000), IGNORE_ME | SCAN_ENTS);
if (you == player)
// do what's needed here; the enemy has detected the player

The player would have to be made sensitive to scanning. 120, 60, 1000 give the angles and the scanning range - check the manual.
Posted By: Darkyyes

Re: Basic Trace/Scan Noob question? - 02/15/09 12:08

This is related to his problem, how can I make my enemies see themselves and if they collide with eachother they will go through eachother? and only eachother? :- )
Posted By: MrGuest

Re: Basic Trace/Scan Noob question? - 02/15/09 12:22

hey, set their FLAG2, then make sure you IGNORE_FLAG2 when using c_trace or c_move

hope this helps
Posted By: George

Re: Basic Trace/Scan Noob question? - 02/16/09 06:24

MrGuest is right. Do what he says and don't forget to add SCAN_FLAG2 in the c_scan instruction; otherwise, it won't work.
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