How to create skybox

Posted By: hoanglaota

How to create skybox - 03/19/09 16:14

Anybody help me how to creating sky ?
Posted By: Vyse220

Re: How to create skybox - 03/19/09 17:05

can you just create an hollow box and apply some sky texture?
read the aum about planet survivor, i remember something
Posted By: Max_Prower

Re: How to create skybox - 03/19/09 17:06

It's simple! ^^

To make a sky-sphere or dome:

Go to MED and create a sphere. Get your sky texture and apply it to the sphere ( like you would any other object). Create a 2-sided mapping (you might want to play with it a little; but I found TOP to work just fine). Then select the sphere and press flip normals. Place that model in WED and scale it to be big enough, and there is a skysphere.

To make a sky-cube:

Create a cube that is bigger than your level/stage/map (it doesn't HAVE to be hollow). Apply your sky texture to it, and go to the texture properties. Select SKY in the various tickbox options in the menu that should have popped up.
Posted By: hoanglaota

Re: How to create skybox - 03/20/09 16:03

Originally Posted By: Max_Prower
It's simple! ^^

To make a sky-sphere or dome:

Go to MED and create a sphere. Get your sky texture and apply it to the sphere ( like you would any other object). Create a 2-sided mapping (you might want to play with it a little; but I found TOP to work just fine). Then select the sphere and press flip normals. Place that model in WED and scale it to be big enough, and there is a skysphere.

To make a sky-cube:

Create a cube that is bigger than your level/stage/map (it doesn't HAVE to be hollow). Apply your sky texture to it, and go to the texture properties. Select SKY in the various tickbox options in the menu that should have popped up.
I try it but it does n`t almost has a texture I wanted. The texture iwanted appears at the top center, and orange texture is around it. Help me please
Posted By: christian

Re: How to create skybox - 03/20/09 17:11

What exactly are you trying to do?
Are you trying to make a skycube with blocks or are you trying to make a skydome with a model. They have completly different methods of texturing.

For a skydome you need an image with two parts. one half is tiled as the basic sky and the other is tiled as moveing clouds.

For a skybox you need an image that is made up of six different images... one for each side of the cube. They must be in the proper order and they must tile in a certain way.

There are some free tutorials in the resources section and read the manual to find out the proper image formats. The tutorials are old but the processes for making sky boxes really has not changed.

If you are still haveing problems post again and ask questions.

"Create a cube that is bigger than your level/stage/map (it doesn't HAVE to be hollow)" The skybox does not have to be hollow? Never heard that one before!
Posted By: hoanglaota

Re: How to create skybox - 03/22/09 13:37

Thank you very much
Here is my image.
I create a hollow cube.
And at the top of cube, i use sky texture in standard.wad
I add a model, and behavior of model is player_move.
When a model sees the ceil, an orange texture appears. How can i remove orange texture in that image. Help me please.
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: How to create skybox - 03/22/09 23:53


I had that problem when I was working with A6.
I think I solved it with the following code but I'm not sure...It's been a while.

tilt = -20;  //move the picture by xx degres down
//entry: scale in X dimention
scale_x = 0.025;
//entry: scale in y dimention
scale_y = 0.025;
alpha = 100;
//entry: animation speed x
speed_u = 1.5; // 1.5
//entry: animation speed y
speed_v = 1.0; //0.0

flags = scene,transparent, overlay, visible; //dome

Hope this helps smile

Posted By: christian

Re: How to create skybox - 03/23/09 04:48

I think you are using the wrong image for your sky. The square sky textures in the standard wad are for sky domes made in med. the textures used for skycubes are the long skinny ones. Try the skygorge texture and see what happens.
Posted By: LordMoggy

Re: How to create skybox - 03/23/09 08:45

i shall add that to my collection wink
Posted By: hoanglaota

Re: How to create skybox - 03/24/09 12:57

Originally Posted By: christian
I think you are using the wrong image for your sky. The square sky textures in the standard wad are for sky domes made in med. the textures used for skycubes are the long skinny ones. Try the skygorge texture and see what happens.

I try all texture of sky in standard.wad included sky_gorge but the result doesn`t change. The orange texture still appears.
Do you show me some tutorials about sky, give me an example in wmp ????
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: How to create skybox - 03/24/09 14:14

Originally Posted By: hoanglaota
The orange texture still appears.

LOL, it's from the templates, simply find the orange texture file and delete everything related to it in the templates script. I'll show you step by step when i'll install A6 again.
Posted By: hoanglaota

Re: How to create skybox - 03/24/09 16:15

Originally Posted By: Cowabanga
Originally Posted By: hoanglaota
The orange texture still appears.

LOL, it's from the templates, simply find the orange texture file and delete everything related to it in the templates script. I'll show you step by step when i'll install A6 again.

Thank you very much, show me more details how to delete orange texture please!
Posted By: hoanglaota

Re: How to create skybox - 03/28/09 14:18

Any body Who khows help me please
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: How to create skybox - 06/06/09 19:55

// define a splash screen with the required A4/A5 logo
bmap splashmap = <logodark.pcx>; // the default logo in templates
panel splashscreen {
	bmap = splashmap;
	flags = refresh,d3d;

// The following script controls the sky
sky horizon_sky {
// A backdrop texture's horizontal size must be a power of 2;
// the vertical size does not matter
	type = <horizon.pcx>;
	tilt = -10;
	flags = scene,overlay,visible;
	layer = 3;

// The main() function is started at game start
function main()

So look you main script, doesn´t it?

Just delete:
// The following script controls the sky
sky horizon_sky {
// A backdrop texture's horizontal size must be a power of 2;
// the vertical size does not matter
	type = <horizon.pcx>;
	tilt = -10;
	flags = scene,overlay,visible;
	layer = 3;

Hope you understand it smile
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