HELP would be appreciated..

Posted By: DaveM

HELP would be appreciated.. - 04/30/09 14:11

I've been using GS for a few weeks now,
and I've had nothing but problems (A7 Extra).
I'm in my second year of a hnd and were doing a game
development project. I've purchased the Extra version, and
so far all of my efforts have resulted in crashes and errors,
as well a huge compile times for relatively small areas, (even using the default settings). I'm trying to create a FPS in medium sized world, with sky above, some of it covered. Is there not a template I can use just to get a basic setup that will run smoothly, I honestly don't know what to do and time is running out for this project. I would be grateful if someone could give me some basic steps to help me create a world that I can 'fill in' with my own models and buildings etc. I've built maps before for Command and conquer quake, and other games but this software seems to be incredibly buggy...any help appreciated, thanks, DaveM
Posted By: rayp

Re: HELP would be appreciated.. - 04/30/09 14:54

The software isnt buggy, my opinion. But i think its not very powerfull. The framerate is very fast down, and nexus is very fast full ^^
I would say its not useable for a commercial-standart-fps. U have to use many tricks to make a working (large) game with good framerate.
But have a look what u pay for other 3d engines... ^^
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: HELP would be appreciated.. - 04/30/09 15:05


Do a quick "look through" of the tutorials for WED, MED, etc. That should give you a basic grasp of how WED works and how to incorporate static meshes into your 'world'.
I think the Extra edition does let you use the "templates"; this is probably what you are looking for if you want a "click-together" type world where you just select a pre-made action for a particular entity (example: Player control, ammo and health pick ups, simple doors and triggers, etc.). Look into them to see what they can do.

My first suggestion would be to take a VERY close look at your terrain. That can be one of the biggest slow-downs of compiling a level...all it takes is a few badly intersected polygons or some such and you're looking at hours and hours and hours to compile.

If you can give us more info, I'm sure the bright folks here can pin point your slowdowns and errors. smile
Posted By: DaveM

Re: HELP would be appreciated.. - 04/30/09 15:22

Thanks for your input. Yes it's supposed to include templates, but I have no idea where they are, if you mean the scripts, yes I've loaded the first person shooter script. Do you know of any good level templates that are available that I can fiddle about with as that seems like the easiest option as aligning the walls etc would then be greatly eliminated? thanks
Posted By: KiwiBoy

Re: HELP would be appreciated.. - 05/01/09 23:40

HI, give me the specs and Ill build the level with a functional base script.
Just post em here i.e
level x 1
size - relative to content e.g warehouse, street, village etc.
WMB or model based

hope it helps.
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