cartoon looking,

Posted By: DeD

cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 20:01

hi whats the best way to make a levle look cartoon.
i mean what kind of texturs an shaders would you recomend.
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 20:54

i waas reading about the toon shader in another post, but when i add the mtl.wdl to my script, the toon shader is not in the list of actions.

can you help me?
Posted By: MoRRoW

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 22:41

Hey youīre using C-Script "i add the mtl.wdl to my script"?
Do you read this:
That are Scriptīs for both,C-Script and Lite-C.
For me it works without problems.
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 22:47

ok i look at that page, how do i use that code in my project?
Posted By: MoRRoW

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 23:03

After you created the toon.fx you have to #include it into your project,and because it is an post-process shader i think you want to add it to your camera, so you have to add the following to your main function
function main()
Iīm not an expert in this Task but for me it works.

Itīs late and i have to work tomorrow so Iīm away.Play around a little bit.Will look for this thread tomorrow.
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 23:08

ok cheers
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 23:21

im havin trouble makin the toon.fx file,
i put the code from that page an save it as toon.fx
an declair it in my main script, but when i run it, it give me a load of errors.
i dont think im makin the fx file right.
Posted By: MoRRoW

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/18/09 23:57

You donīt need to apply.The shader is already applied to your Camera.
function main()
pp_set(camera,Toon_mat); <-------the shader with Material Toon_Mat is applied to the Camera.

And donīt forget to define the Material before Calling it with this:
MATERIAL* Toon_mat =
effect = "Toon_.fx";

function Toon_set_Value(r,g,b,threshold)
Toon_mat.skill1 = floatv(r); //4 looks okay
Toon_mat.skill2 = floatv(g); //same as above
Toon_mat.skill3 = floatv(b); //same as above
Toon_mat.skill4 = floatv(threshold); //0.01
Needs to be above main function.

Your Edit:Paste the code in SED save it as Toon_.fx
and include.
Donīt forget what I wrote above about defining the Material.


Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/19/09 00:32

ok i made the fx file, i looked at some other shader files from the shader collection from au resources,

i made the toon.wdl file with the code below, but i save it as shader.wdl. (dont think the name matters here)

//Toon Shading with Outline
material Toon_mat
effect = "Toon.fx";

function Toon_set_Value(r,g,b,threshold)
Toon_mat.skill1 = floatv(r); //4 looks okay
Toon_mat.skill2 = floatv(g); //same as above
Toon_mat.skill3 = floatv(b); //same as above
Toon_mat.skill4 = floatv(threshold); //0.01

I then made the toon.fx file with this code.

////Makes Details invisible and the colors a bit more intensive,
////which gives the Level a toon like look this is combined with a sobel edge filter
////which causes some kind of outlining

float4 vecSkill1; //"Color Details" in xyz and threshold in w
float4 vecViewPort;

Texture entSkin1;
sampler2D smpSource = sampler_state { texture = <entSkin1>; };

float4 dirtyToonPS( float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
half4 color = tex2D(smpSource,Tex.xy);
color.r = round(color.r*vecSkill1.r)/vecSkill1.r;
color.g = round(color.g*vecSkill1.g)/vecSkill1.g;
color.b = round(color.b*vecSkill1.b)/vecSkill1.b;

const float threshold = vecSkill1.w;

const int NUM = 9;
const float2 c[NUM] =
float2(-0.0078125, 0.0078125),
float2( 0.00 , 0.0078125),
float2( 0.0078125, 0.0078125),
float2(-0.0078125, 0.00 ),
float2( 0.0, 0.0),
float2( 0.0078125, 0.007 ),
float2( 0.00 , -0.0078125),
float2( 0.0078125,-0.0078125),

int i;
float3 col[NUM];
for (i=0; i < NUM; i++)
col[i] = tex2D(smpSource, Tex.xy + 0.2*c[i]);

float3 rgb2lum = float3(0.30, 0.59, 0.11);
float lum[NUM];
for (i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
lum[i] = dot(col[i].xyz, rgb2lum);
float x = lum[2]+ lum[8]+2*lum[5]-lum[0]-2*lum[3]-lum[6];
float y = lum[6]+2*lum[7]+ lum[8]-lum[0]-2*lum[1]-lum[2];
float edge =(x*x + y*y < threshold)? 1.0:0.0;

color.rgb *= edge;
return color;

technique postFX
pass p1
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 dirtyToonPS();

saved that as toon.fx

and then in my main script i included.... include <shader.wdl>;

but then when i had the pp_set(camera,Toon_mat); into my main function.
i get a error... bad perameter unknown function.

another thing there is know cam, code in my main script. as im useing the car script template.
Posted By: MoRRoW

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/19/09 04:35

What Version of GStudio are you using?
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/19/09 06:08

a7 7.77, but im useing c script. an not lite c
Posted By: Cowabanga

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/19/09 11:49

Why not upgrading to 7.80 ??
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/19/09 18:03

dint know it was out,not got round to it yet.
have i got that right then? with the scripts
cus i still not sure how you call it in the main
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/19/09 18:08

Heres my main script...

path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio7\\template_6"; // Path to A6 templates directory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio7\\template_6\\code"; // Path to A6 template code subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio7\\templates\\images"; // Path to template image subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio7\\templates\\sounds"; // Path to template sound subdirectory
path "C:\\Program Files\\GStudio7\\templates\\models"; // Path to template model subdirectory

// Filename of the starting level.
string level_str = <pub1.WMB>; // give file names in angular brackets

// Included files
include <gid01.wdl>; // global ids
include <display00.wdl>; // basic display settings
include <cameraSelect.wdl>;
include <cameraTarget.wdl>;
include <camera3rd01.wdl>;
include <plSelect.wdl>;
include <miscInput01.wdl>;
include <trigger00.wdl>;
include <particle00.wdl>;
include <plCar01.wdl>;
include <sky01.wdl>;
include <shader.wdl>;

// Desc: The main() function is started at game start
function main()
// set some common flags and variables
// freeze all entity functions
freeze_mode = 1;
// no level has been loaded yet...
gid01_level_state = gid01_level_not_loaded;

// entry: Warning Level (0,1, or 2)
// entry_help: Sets sensitivity to warnings (0 = none, 1 = some, 2 = all).
warn_level = 2; // announce bad texture sizes and bad wdl code

// entry: Starting Mouse Mode (0, 1, or 2)
mouse_mode = 0;

// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground

// now load the level

wait(2); // let level load
// level should be loaded at this point...
gid01_level_state = gid01_level_loaded;

//+++ load starting values

// un-freeze the game
freeze_mode = 0;

// save start of game here
wait(6); // allow time for functions that wait for "gid01_level_loaded" to load
file_delete("start0.SAV"); // remove any old savefile
if( game_save("start",0,SV_ALL) <= 0)
diag("\nWARNING! main - Cannot save 'start' of level (ignore on restarts).");
diag("\nWDL: main - Game 'start' saved.");

// main game loop
if(gid01_level_state != gid01_level_loaded)
freeze_mode = 1; // pause the game
while(gid01_level_state != gid01_level_loaded) { wait(1); }
freeze_mode = 0; // resume the game


// Desc: this is the function used to restart the game.
function main_restart_game()
// wait 3 frames (for triple buffering) until it is flipped to the foreground

// freeze the game
freeze_mode = 1;

if( game_load("start",0) <= 0)
diag("\nWARNING! main_restart_game - Cannot load 'start' of level.");
diag("\nWDL: main_restart_game - Game 'start' loaded");

// un-freeze the game
freeze_mode = 0;

// Desc: this is the function used to quit the game.
function main_quit()
//+++ // save global skills & strings

// The following definitions are for the pro edition window composer
// to define the start and exit window of the application.
TITLE "3D GameStudio";
SIZE 480,320;
BG_COLOR RGB(240,240,240);
FRAME FTYP1,0,0,480,320;
// BUTTON BUTTON_START,SYS_DEFAULT,"Start",400,288,72,24;
TEXT_STDOUT "Arial",RGB(0,0,0),10,10,460,280;

/* no exit window at all..
TITLE "Finished";
SIZE 540,320;
BG_COLOR RGB(0,0,0);
TEXT_STDOUT "",RGB(255,40,40),10,20,520,270;

SET FONT "",RGB(0,255,255);
TEXT "Any key to exit",10,270;

//INCLUDE <debug.wdl>;
Posted By: DeD

Re: cartoon looking, - 08/23/09 21:28

still cant get this to work. please help...
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