First time trying animation of an object,need some help

Posted By: sadsack

First time trying animation of an object,need some help - 10/30/09 14:36

I made a small room and i need to play my animation, where the door goes up. I can't even get the code to compile.

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>


ENTITY* player1;
ENTITY* elev_2;

VECTOR* object_pos = {x=0;y=0;z=0;}

PANEL* pnl_show_xyz = {
	digits(20,20,"Player Position X=%.0f",*,1,object_pos.x);
	digits(20,40,"Player Position Y=%.0f",*,1,object_pos.y);
	digits(20,60,"Player Position Z=%.0f",*,1,object_pos.z);
	flags = SHOW;
	layer = 1;

function act_player1()
	player1 = me;
	me.ambient = 10;
		my.pan += 3 * (key_z-key_x) * time_step;
		my.skill1 = 5 * (key_w-key_s) * time_step;
		my.skill2 = 5 * (key_a-key_d) * time_step;
		my.tilt += 3 * (key_c-key_v) * time_step;
		my.roll += 3 * (key_r-key_t) * time_step;
		c_move (me,my.skill1,nullvector,GLIDE);
		vec_set(camera.x, player1.x);
	   vec_set(camera.pan, player1.pan);

action vertex_anim()
	elev_2 = my
      my.skill1 += 3*time_step;
      if (my.skill1 > 100) my.skill1 -= 100; 

function main()
	level_load ("");
	wait(2);	// wait until the level is loaded
	wait(2);	// wait until the level is loaded

It compiled fine untill I went to the manul and try to get some usefull info from it. I must not did a very good job of it. If any one can help that would be nice.

Thank You
Posted By: sadsack

Re: First time trying animation of an object,need some help - 10/30/09 14:50

Never mind, I was doing something dumb.
Posted By: sadsack

Re: First time trying animation of an object,need some help - 10/30/09 15:46

I'am back,

Ok, what I want is to open the door. The animation for doing that is from frame 1 to 20. Then from frame 21 to 40 is where the door comes down or close. here is some new code for opening the door.

action vertex_anim()

      my.frame += .08*time_step; // gives 16/1.5 = 12 frames per second
      my.frame %= 20; // don't exceed the number of frames 
     my.frame = 1; // set to start frame
while (1) { 
  my.frame += time_step; // 16 frames per second
  if (my.frame > 19) { my.next_frame = 20; } // interpolate to start frame
  else { my.next_frame =20; } // interpolate to FRAME+1
  if (my.frame >=20) { my.frame -= 20; } // if end frame reached, skip back

This runs to fram 20 then gos back to frame 0 and starts over again. I want it to start at frame 0 or 1 and go to frame 20 and stop the anim. there. How can i do that????
Thank you
Posted By: sadsack

Re: First time trying animation of an object,need some help - 10/31/09 17:10

Here is some working code that will open and close the door, with animation.

action act_door()
   door = my;
	my.ambient = 10;
      my.frame += .08*time_step; // gives 16/1.5 = 12 frames per second
      my.frame %= 20; // don't exceed the number of frames 
     my.frame = 0; // set to start frame
while (1) { 
  my.frame += time_step; // 16 frames per second
  if(vec_dist(player1.x,my.x) < 325)//when the player get 225units from the doorit goes to c-move
  if (my.frame > 19) {my.frame = 20;}// interpolate to start frame
  if (my.frame < 19) {my.frame = 0;}

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