Trial expired message

Posted By: Machera

Trial expired message - 11/26/09 12:51

hi!, i'm machera. this is my first post.

i've problem. i try to explain this

i installed win 7 & Gstudio 7.80 trial 4 days ago. when i compile a script with TEST RUN or RUN CURRENT SCRıPT modes, i get trial expired message. but interesting thing, WED is running also GED and if i compile DEBUG RUN mode, it works.

a month ago, i installed same version on a new pc which has a vista. i also had same problems.

that day i solved this problem when i installed 7.80 on 7.77.4 (maybe 7.77.1-2? i cant remember).

now, i havent previous version of 7.80 what should i do?
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