cannot see video from the distance

Posted By: enrike

cannot see video from the distance - 12/14/09 07:12


i am using media_play and media_loop to play a video into a plane. I have used both an external entity (.mdl) and a sprite. My problem is that i can only see the video if i get quite close to the plane. As i get further from it the video starts to fade like if there was some kind of fog. However I have a couple of other entities and they are not affected by this fog. To make it more funny it looks like the sprite gets less fog that the external entity. I enabled Nofilter and Nofog flags in the plane and it seems to get better but i dont fond the way to disable it totally.

the video is a normal uncompressed avi. Fog colors in Map proerties are set to 0, I tried to change this but it does not make any difference. I also tried to chage Sun and Ambient but it is the same.

I see that there is a similar post from august with no answer, so i guess i am doing something weird

any hints?


Posted By: keilyn3d

Re: cannot see video from the distance - 12/14/09 07:59

disable the mipmaps.
Posted By: enrike

Re: cannot see video from the distance - 12/14/09 09:12

ok, now it works with
d3d_mipmapping = 0;

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