pointers to pointers and morph_skin

Posted By: enrike

pointers to pointers and morph_skin - 12/15/09 09:07


could anyone point whats wrong with this?

ENTITY* one = ent_for_name("one");
ENTITY* two = ent_for_name("two");
ENTITY* active;
active = one;
ent_morphskin(active, "myfile.bmp");

i just get the skin set to white...
however it does work if i do
ent_morphskin(one, "myfile.bmp");

i guess it is something to do with pointers i dont understand, but i have been trying different solutions but could not find anything. I also tried this but it does the same... skin goes white.
active = ent_for_name("two");
ent_morphskin(active, "myfile.bmp");

mayb there can only be a single pointer to an entity?

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