Start with 3dgs, need help

Posted By: wacek

Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/10/10 21:14


I am a new uzytwkonikiem 3D Game Studio, and I have a few questions

1. how to start learning, I would ask for some links and tips
2. What is the difference between the lite-C (*. c) the script - C (*. WDL)
3. To be used skill1, skill2, skill3, etc..
4. Where can I Find an Guides "How to mak game online (client-server)"
5.Where can I Find an Directories (3dgs with mysql database) I mean to save the position player

6. Is there a Polish support 3dgs?

Posted By: darkinferno

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/10/10 21:43

i would recommend downloading the gamestudio AUM magazines found here:
read through them, download the demos, tweak the code, same goes for here:
there are alot of demos and such in the above links, play with them and try to learn the few basics

AVOID USING THE TEMPLATES if you really want to make a game with your own custom feel

2- liteC is the newer scripting language used with gamestudio A7, c-script is the older language for A6 and lower, liteC gives alot more functionality to the coder and in my opinion is simpler to understand and work with

3- i dont know what you mean exactly and i never was good at telling what a skill is, took me a while to understand them perfectly, but basically they are values that you cant attach to entities, for example health, you could have 10 players with their skill1 being their HEALTH and you could decrease each players health without affecting the others...

4- if you wanna do multiplayer games, i really would advise that you atleast get you basic game idea running in single player mode first, which is what i did, the knowledge will be valuable when you take on a multiplayer project, i wont give the link for the multiplayer system you could try using, simply because i really think you should try singleplayer first but theres the built in gamestudio multiplayer engine[tricky to work with] and theres Anet[requires you to code a few systems, interpolation and such]

5- not exactly sure what you want here but am sure someone else will answer

am also sure someone else will clear up any mistakes i mau have made above, am too lazy/busy/tired/hungry/unmotivated to read it over so i apologize for typos grin

welcome to the community, may you become a great designer and not rampage the forum looking for posts to criticize tongue lol

-dark inferno-
Posted By: wacek

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/10/10 22:09

thx darkinferno
5th questions -, this guy use database
Posted By: Doc_Savage

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/10/10 23:31

ive looked at many tutorials, is there one for a first person shooter? or at the very least a 3rd person one? i know about workshop 24, but not much was done with it in the tutorial, is there a step by step tutorial on this?
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 00:03

6. year ago I saw two Polish sites: and but now they both dead. If you can read russian then you can try
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 00:30

If you teach yourself programming Doc_Savage then you should be able to create almost any type of game relatively easy (besides MMOs, of course).

What I mean is, tutorials are great, but they don't teach you much beyond the limited scope of the tutorial. Study a broad range of subjects, and you should be able to make any type of game you want laugh

But back to the topic:

@wacek: saving/loading a game is pretty simple. In your code just use the function game_save() (to save your game) and game_load() (to load it).
Posted By: Quad

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 01:03

@wacek if you really need that database, that guy uses gstsqlite, search on forum.
Posted By: Doc_Savage

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 02:31

i thought this was on topic, im new to 3dgs too. you say to learn the programming, but i have no clue what type to learn or where to learn it, thats why i came here. and what do you mean by "broad range of subjects"? i dont want to have to take 6 or 7 courses on pc programming before i can do anything with this, if i need to, PLEASE let me know now. ive already self taught myself how to make 3d models, characters, weapons, and pro game textures. and that was a challenge itself.
Posted By: wacek

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 02:37

Thanks for all the answers

But I still have a few questions: D

What language will be useful for lite-c, Delphi, C ++, WinAPI ?
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 14:45

For Lite-C you should use Lite-C ^^

it has it's on, C++ based scripting language which is pretty easy to learn laugh
Posted By: Redeemer

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 14:56

Yep, like Rei_Ayanami I have to recommend you learn Lite-C.
Posted By: Doc_Savage

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 18:36

where can i learn lite c?
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: Start with 3dgs, need help - 01/11/10 18:43

use the AUM, the online workshops, and the manual laugh

if you have problems ask them here in the forum laugh
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