Beginner Question

Posted By: Ed_the_Sock

Beginner Question - 03/04/10 19:46

Hi everyone! I'm new to 3D development but have done some MMPOG dev in the past in C,C++ and PHP.

Anwyays, I've known about 3DGS for awhile now but never seem to get it working properly.

I hope someone here can fill me in on what the heck I'm doing wrong.

I downloaded several tuts and have read the wiki and these forums but alas, still no answers.

This I know will be a real noob question but I'm stuck on it so hope you can help me.

For this example I will use the t7tutorial.


as shown in t7tutorial

As shown in tutorial

I follow everything set by step and this is what I get.

And when run:

What am I missing?
Posted By: zeusk

Re: Beginner Question - 03/04/10 20:02

i think something is wrong with the texture goto manage skins and try changing the texture size
Posted By: Ed_the_Sock

Re: Beginner Question - 03/04/10 22:12

Thanks for the reply. I double checked it, seems fine. Scale is the same as the terrain. Problem remains.

Its real strange. When I use the project wizard in WED its fine, but whenever I try to do a tut from scratch I always get a black terrain... smirk

I'll keep tinkering at it. Has to be something simple I'm over looking.
Posted By: Garrettwademan

Re: Beginner Question - 03/05/10 16:44

Are you using a shader for your terrain? If so, is it embedded into your terrain model file? I have experienced this issue before but only because...

1. My fog was set to a very low distance making everything dark. My fog_start and fog_end were incorrect numbers that I mistook for being correct.

2. My shader was not applied correctly in my script, I also believe that I saw this when embedding the shader into the model itself in MED. To get around this I had to manually apply the shader in the script itself.

3. The shader you are using for this terrain is not getting valid input. If the shader is multi tex terrain and you don't have exact values, you can either get a white or a black output.

4. Like the post above, incorrect image properties can show a different output in the game engine. If you are using BMP files, make sure they are 24 bit, if they are TGA files, make sure they are 32 bit. All images should really be a power of 2 (512X512, 1024X1024, etc)

If it would help, I wouldn't mind taking a look at it if you want to send it my way. Compile it all up and let me see what I can find on my end, but only if you want.
Posted By: Ed_the_Sock

Re: Beginner Question - 03/05/10 18:41

Hey Garrett, thanks for the info. I played around with it a little last night before bed and yes, it does appear to be something within the .hmp file itself. Still haven't isolated it yet though.

I downloaded the and used the small.hmp file within that tut and everything is working fine with that .hmp file.

So I'll keep looking into the T7tutorial terrain and try your recommendations to use this a learning exercise.

If you wanted to take a peek at it the template itself is found right on GS's main page:

I have done everything step by step as indicated in the tut. If you take a peek at it, it is the Blank Level portion of the tut.
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