question about workshop05

Posted By: mygame4

question about workshop05 - 04/04/10 19:25

Well, I am using the extra version. I have a question about the workshop 05. I run it, it said unknown video_aspect, all right, I delete this line. But it said unkown SHOW in flag, all right, I change it to VISIBLE, but it said unkown OUTLINE, but I can find OUTLINE in the manual, I think it's right. But why it can not compile...
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>


PANEL* first_pan =
digits (320, 200, 2, "Arial#150b", 1, sys_seconds);


function main()
video_aspect = 1.333;
video_mode = 7; = 150;
Posted By: Progger

Re: question about workshop05 - 04/04/10 19:37

i can not understand that because here A7Commercial 7.82 everything works fine.
try this in main function perhaps it helps but im not sure

function main()
video_aspect = 1.333;
video_mode = 7; = 150;

WFG Progger
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: question about workshop05 - 04/04/10 19:41

Are you using the sybex version?

where did you bought gs?

please go to: WED -> help -> about and tell us your version number wink
Posted By: mygame4

Re: question about workshop05 - 04/04/10 19:51

Thanks, guys. I don't think it's version problem, since workshop 05 should be available even for free version. And I tried search video_aspect and flags,I can find OUTLINE I cannot video_aspect and SHOW, and OUTLINE doen't work...
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: question about workshop05 - 04/04/10 21:26

please, tell us your version number...

or are you a WAREZ user???
Posted By: mygame4

Re: question about workshop05 - 04/04/10 23:49

It works right now, my version is from my friend and it's too low and I updated it today. Thanks man.
Posted By: Quad

Re: question about workshop05 - 04/05/10 08:37

that translates to "i (was)am using warez"
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