Few things I need help with..

Posted By: JakeBilbe

Few things I need help with.. - 05/28/11 09:20

Sorry for all the questions lately I just find it easier to pick things up when I get given examples and things. But I have 3 things I need help with.

1st: Jumping, is there a basic jump code for space that I could use and modify as I go along?

2nd: Skydome, is there a template I could use to modify? I cant quite figure out the layout.

3rd: Bobbing, when I run my game if I hold W to walk forward the model bobs up and down, it gets worse if I hold Shift+W to sprint.

Thanks a lot for all the help.

EDIT: Sorry also another thing, I want to have it so that I can toggle between two control schemes by pressing 1 for the 1st and 2 for the 2nd is this possible?
Posted By: TerraSame

Re: Few things I need help with.. - 05/28/11 15:30

As far as the sky...
I have messed with that a lot and the best one I found is by Loopix...
Go to this web site:
Then click on the "Easy" button on the left...
Then click on the "Templates" button on top...
Then download the flavor of your choice...
I recommend the Lite-C version...
It comes with a great tutoial...
And... the models and everything is free to use in your projects...
Their sky system is the best and esiest that I ever found...
You can learn a lot from their code too...
It's nicely written...
Check it out...
Best of luck...
Posted By: JakeBilbe

Re: Few things I need help with.. - 05/28/11 16:13

Wow... that snow effect is amazing! thanks ever so much this is perfect grin now if I can just fix the other things lol.

EDIT: urr problem lol, the lite-c version has no .wdl file but the a7 does but when i copy the .wdl and follow the a7 instructions it gives define errors so I put a # in front of include and I still get them, do you have any ideas? the errors seem to be about picture files Tem or Ter then just random colours including black blue and red.
Posted By: TerraSame

Re: Few things I need help with.. - 05/29/11 05:24

Try the Lite-C version...
Game Studio has basically two options...
One uses only .wdl files
The other uses .c files
The .wdl system is C-Script
The .c system is the new Lite-C
Most users have switched from C Script to Lite-C
You can do much more with Lite-C than C-Script...
And... Lite-C is easier...

Try the Lite-C system...
As you proceed you will be glad you did...
Posted By: JakeBilbe

Re: Few things I need help with.. - 05/29/11 13:24

I am using the LiteC version in the help file it says .wdl but there are no .wdl files so I changed it to .c but it asks for textures that dont exist and also the cube_map isnt in the folder either .wdl or .c. I copied the data folder and the mystymood.c into my root then included the mystymood.c instead of mystymood.wdl because it doesnt exist in the download. It also says for a skymap to include "include <cubemap_gen.wdl>;" so I searched the folder for gen.wdl and got nothing back so I tried gen.c but still nothing. So if I take the "include <cubemap_gen.wdl>;" out of the main.c I have and press F5 to test the game it says:
MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_black_1.bmp

MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_blue_1.bmp

MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_green_1.bmp

MAIN.C (): Can't open terr_red_1.bmp

but I also cant find any of these textures in any of the folders?

EDIT: inside the mystymood_data>scripts folder is the .c file I need copying it to root and even defining the mystymood_data folder still doesnt make it noticeable.
Posted By: TerraSame

Re: Few things I need help with.. - 05/30/11 04:37

I just re-downloaded Mystymood and tested it...
Ran fine for me...
I ran the mystymood_demo.c file.... fired right up from SED...
Then I opened up mystymood_demo.wmp with WED... Fired right up...
I used A8 for this... No problems...
Posted By: JakeBilbe

Re: Few things I need help with.. - 05/30/11 09:40

Im using A8 SED too, following what it says from the help folder to merge the weather with my script it says to copy 1 file and 1 folder to my game add a line then it should work.
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