What version to buy..?

Posted By: nomis23uk

What version to buy..? - 06/12/11 18:49


First of all sorry if this is in the wrong place.

have gone through most of the tutorials and like what I can see and the things you can do with 3d game studio. I want to buy it as there is no other way of getting it legally....

Am I right in thinking Pro version is the version that has it all?

I wish to make and publish and possibly sell my creations so is Pro the correct version or do I need comercial for that?

Ive looked at the comparision page and it still doesnt qwite make sence just wanted to be sure before I commit myself.


Posted By: Quad

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/12/11 19:37

You can get free version legally. And do the tutorials.

You can use all paid versions for commercial projects. As many as you like, no royalties.

You can read all license details on read me when you install the free version.
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/12/11 21:17

i suggest using the free version first until you get more experienced with it, assuming that you arent at the moment that is
Posted By: TerraSame

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 11:03

The info from Quadraxas and Darkinferno are of course correct.
I would like to add to their responses.

You have asked the question, "Does the Pro version have it all?"
The ansewer is yes.
The Pro version does allow you all options involved in construction, publishing and distributing your projects...

For me, the best part of owning the Pro version is that the Pro version is the only version that allows you to pack your
resources (or not) of your project so that the code and art work is in an encripted file which protects your work.
In other words, all the other versions are bascically open source at completion.

As the other guys noted, you can begin with the trial version to get your feet wet.
But for me, I like to pack/publish my projects frequently as I create.
That allows me to make sure the finished project will run into no complications at project completion.
Also, upon packing and publishing, the final package runs the cleanest and at a higher frame rate.

One last note about 3dgs.
The folks here at the forum are fantastic.
If you have questions as you are learning, people will fight to help.
It is awesome.

So, always first try to figure out your problems by reading the manual and experimenting.
That way you will learn much more in the process.
When you just can't find the answer to your question or your problem, then seek help from the forum.

Lastly, welcome and have fun !
Posted By: Quad

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 12:08

Open Source part is not correct. Only free version does not compile LITE-C code. All paid versions compile your code to .exe so your code is not open source. That is of course not true for c-script.
Posted By: TerraSame

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 12:47

Ahhhhhh, I was not aware of this...
This still dosn't seem right... I am still a bit confused...
I realized that all paid version compile to .exe but I don't believe that all versions can be packed to a .wrs encripted file.
I think that only the pro version allows that process. And without that process users of our work can view the code etc...

Could you please go into more detail about the .wrs packing ability and the versions...

Thanks Quad!
Posted By: Iglarion

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 12:53

Not in .wrs only Lite-C code in exe file.
Posted By: Hummel

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 13:38

Start with free, as soon as you gained some experience and feel too restricted, buy Com.
Later you can try to win a Pro with a contest contribution.
As long as you have no real chances to win one, you dont need one IMHO. wink
(for the case that you are an unexperienced guy who just starts with game dev of course)
Posted By: nomis23uk

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 20:47

nicely laid out reply.

Thank you for all replies and very quick ones too might I add.

although I am starting out I am here to stay so I went ahead and brought Pro version.

I have experiences with c++,c and c# along with other lanuages so thats not so bad and hopefully I should come up with something pretty decent.

I have used Game Maker and FPS creator however as good as those apps are they just dont cut the mustard for me anymore I find, from what I've used so far 3dgs goes into the raw make your own complete game rather than use things somone has made for you.

my objective: To make my own game!

Textures, models, text you name all mine.

Granted i'll make some rubbish gmaes to begin with but its all a learning curve eh laugh

Posted By: Hummel

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 20:54

Wish you the best of luck.
Posted By: MrGuest

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/13/11 21:27

Originally Posted By: nomis23uk
Granted i'll make some rubbish gmaes to begin with but its all a learning curve eh laugh
I wish every beginner had that attitude!

Also wish you the best!
Posted By: nomis23uk

Re: What version to buy..? - 06/15/11 20:35

Originally Posted By: MrGuest
Originally Posted By: nomis23uk
Granted i'll make some rubbish gmaes to begin with but its all a learning curve eh laugh
I wish every beginner had that attitude!

Also wish you the best!

Alot of people dont realise that rome actually took longer than a day to build laugh

im a begginer even after studying game dev for three years at uni laugh

still its all one giant learning curve..never too old to learn something new.
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