a problem on bone

Posted By: tzw

a problem on bone - 08/31/11 11:01

why after i created bones in med, vertex animation doesn't work anymore?
i just followed the manual's bones creation chapter and tested in the workshop23.
the bone rotate worked fine .... but vertex animation didn"t work.
after i remove all bons which i'd made in wed, the vertex animation worked fine...
Posted By: painkiller

Re: a problem on bone - 08/31/11 11:44

you can't mix bones and vertex animation
Posted By: tzw

Re: a problem on bone - 08/31/11 11:50

thanks.....but my frames are totally vertex animation . i'm working on a TPS project i just wanna use bone to rotate my soilder's a part of body a bit(for example the soilder look up and down, the camera's tilt change ).....
could you give me a alternative?? thanks in advance!
Posted By: painkiller

Re: a problem on bone - 08/31/11 14:26

I you want to do that you need to remake all the animations using bones
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: a problem on bone - 08/31/11 15:09

OR you can break your mdl into two parts, upper body and lowerbody and attach it together by code however, this strongly depends on the model
Posted By: bart_the_13th

Re: a problem on bone - 09/01/11 08:18

Yup, this is actually the thing I hate from the engine, even adding a simple bone will void all vertex animation.
Changing to bone animation is not just cumbersome, it also will cause slowdown if large number of bone-animated-models appears on screen.
You can use darkinferno's suggestion, by breaking the model to upper-lower body.

Or, you can manually divide the animation and use ANM_ADD.
1. Create a series of pose/animation for your soldier looking/aiming up to looking/aiming down(eg: looking 60° up, looking 30° up, looking straight, looking -30° down and -60° down) for the upper body and remove the lower body animation(of the same model)
2. Create another animation for walking/running/standing with unanimated upper body.
3. Animate the entity by adding the lower animation for walking/running and the upper animation for 'rotating' the upper part.

I used this technique a long-long time ago but not on 3DGS(in 3D engine I wrote in DOS grin ), so I'm not sure it will work here.. It will also get trickier f you want to rotate the upper body horizontally...
Posted By: tzw

Re: a problem on bone - 09/01/11 08:50

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