General game dev help

Posted By: Glafe

General game dev help - 09/08/11 14:07

I am just about to start creating a game. Is there a certain order that I need to go in to create the game? What part first? I am going to be writing it in lite-c

Posted By: Carloos

Re: General game dev help - 09/08/11 15:34


More then a answer to your question, I would like to salute you, and wish you good luck.

By myself, I like to make racaing games, so, theres isnt much to think about.... tracks, which type of cars... things like this.

I think there are already some documents lying around the forums about it, search and you probably will find some good information from more experienced users.

If you are new to game development, start with something simple. People sometimes start creating theyr first game, and they want creat a MMORPG.

Hope experienced users can help you with your questions and doubts.

Good luck, and welcome.

Posted By: Carloos

Re: General game dev help - 09/08/11 15:39


Game Development Flow

Posted By: Glafe

Re: General game dev help - 09/08/11 16:02

ok I have seen that, and understand that part, my problem is what part of the game should be worked on and in what order. Like charactor, landscape, exc...

Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: General game dev help - 09/08/11 16:11

I like to start with developing prototypes for gameplay elements. Use placeholders so that graphics don't take up too much time. If you need a level, build one specifically to test the type of gameplay you are about to work on. Then put together some quick and dirty code to test out your concept, which you can re-write more neatly once you find something that works.

Gameplay first.

Posted By: Glafe

Re: General game dev help - 09/26/11 20:39

I am going to start with a single player rpg that I can just keep expanding on until it reaches mmorpg. First stage small inside level, sencond stage adding controllable character to that level third stage adding a computer controlled character(no AI) forth stage adding AI to that character and just taking small steps with it. Not in a rush to finish it
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