Learning Gamestudio

Posted By: Glafe

Learning Gamestudio - 10/05/11 13:08

I am trying to learn gamestudio and have already done the tutorials. I am more of a hands on learner can someone give me a list of basic first programs to make to practice with? for example.. 5-10 first programs to write to get the basics down.
Posted By: Quad

Re: Learning Gamestudio - 10/05/11 13:58

I am assuming "tutorials" you did covers lite-c tutorials.

Set yourself a basic goal for a simple game, a very simple game, then ask for help on the forums when you get stuck. It could be a space invaders clone, or a simple game where you shoot discs, or a simple platform game where you collect coins. Such examples will give some ideas about events,actions,input and a lifecycle of a frame and the game.

After you get the basic idea, you could follow one of the workshop series in AUM. Or check other people's simple games to see how they solved certain tasks.
Posted By: JoGa

Re: Learning Gamestudio - 10/05/11 14:42

As Quad said, a basic first programm would be a space inviders clone or something like "super mario".
You can learn how to manage the playercontroll, camera, ...
And if you create a little save game/load game system or a highscore - system for your little game, you can learn a lot at apply the learned thinks from the tutorials.
For example, one of my first project years ago was a clone of "jump and bump" ( Jump and Bump ) THis game is a good example, i think. You have a Highscore, simple playermovement, not too much content but still its great and amusing.
Posted By: h3ndro_saputro

Re: Learning Gamestudio - 10/06/11 03:19

ohm i see thank for the answer for Master Quad & Master Joga, i'll try it
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