Its been a while

Posted By: msmith2468

Its been a while - 12/16/11 23:45

Its been a while since i have used game studio.

but what i want to do is create lists.
perhaps lists inside lists
adding to and taking away from lists
and a way to determine the length of the list.

I have been reading the manual but i cant seem to find anything.
i can make arrays but they don't seem to have the flexibility i need. any suggestions would be appreciated.

if there is no direct solution then perhaps a suggestion how to do what i want a different way.

I want to use it for a level selection system. but the number of levels are not set and can be added to. when the user presses the button i would move to the next variable in the list that would point to the next level to be displayed. when the user gets to the end of the list then we start back at the first variable in the list. (i hope this makes sense)
Posted By: Espér

Re: Its been a while - 12/17/11 10:45

my tipp would be:

I´m using LBGUI for creating comboboxes, listboxes and Editable Stuff. The Design of LBGUI is changeable, with some work in Gimp/Photoshop/ Works great for me (after some infos from Master Lukas ^^)


Posted By: msmith2468

Re: Its been a while - 12/21/11 18:51

Thanks for the reply.

That looks like a very useful tool and i will download it and play with it. see if i can make use of it.

I further played around with arrays and i think i can do what i want with them. setting them up is a bit more involved than what i am used to.

perhaps the tool is the way to go so i will give it a look. thanks again.
Posted By: Carlos3DGS

Re: Its been a while - 12/23/11 11:33

linked lists might be another route you could explore. If you are used to using pointers alot its pretty simple to create linked lists in lite-c using structs, malloc() and free()
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