deactivate gourand shading for a model

Posted By: gri

deactivate gourand shading for a model - 03/19/12 08:48


Is it possible to remove the gourand shading from an model ?

The reason is I have a plain surface but made of several models. Through the shading I can see each single model but it should get rendered as a whole big object.
Posted By: sivan

Re: deactivate gourand shading for a model - 03/19/12 09:00

definitely, because once I did it for similar purposes. if nobody else answers, I'll try to dig it out from my brain laugh
Posted By: Harry Potter

Re: deactivate gourand shading for a model - 03/19/12 10:03

You could set the mat_unlit material.
In A6 it was possible to set the unlit flag to switch off the gouroud shading. But in A8 the unlit flag doesn't work (UNLIT funktioniert nicht ).
Posted By: gri

Re: deactivate gourand shading for a model - 03/19/12 11:29

thank you,

mtl_unlit solved my problem.
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