using models as walls - lighting problem

Posted By: Norby

using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/26/12 16:12

Sooo i need a little help...if I import a model from 3dsmax etc everything is fine EXCEPT THE LIGHTS.

Why are the models (the walls) are always BRIGHTER than the level blocks etc..??

Also why is light here when I turned off ALL lights even sun light???

I just dont understand how this lighting engine works in 3dgs. I checked the manual but there are very little info about that.

I dont want to use simple wed blocks all the time as level geometry -.-"

I want to create the walls/rooms in 3dsmax etc and than import the whole thing in WED.

But why are the models always brighter, and if i place a light in the room these "model walls" why dont affected by the light, why only the floor (which is a level block)???

Please HELP me to understand 3dgs lighting engine better. THANX!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 08:11

EDIT: Didnt see the "Warez Kiddie".
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 09:37

Thanks for your help...JERK.
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 09:43

Originally Posted By: Norby
Thanks for your help...JERK.

You really want help from us while using a cracked version and insulting us?
Posted By: Rackscha

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 10:04

@Norby: In case you are using a cracked version. Go to the downloadpage and try the free version. Cracked gamestudio versions often show strange/odd behaviour, as they often use outdated betabuilds for the crack.

You should use a legal version anyway, with the free version, there is no reason for a starter to go to the drakside wink
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 10:14

1. I never ever said I use a warez version -.-"....Some guy back than asked what version I use...i said A7 pro...than he said yoooo warez're only beginner and this software is too expensive time I logged in I saw that warez kiddie bulls*hit....and I was "What the heck is wrong with these guys??" -.-"

2. I tried many cracked versions ages ago yes..but i realised that they all lack some i bought a original one..AFTER THAT I registrated here lol...and all the retards here are keep telling me I use warez just because I bought A7 pro...If I once buy someting I will buy the best version available not some random buggy previous versions...

3. The sad thing is I realised that A7 pro is till buggy lol...nevermind...

4. Dont post here if cant help dude...i dont want to read random jerks crying about how better they are cause they have enough money and bought the original version and other people dont...I have money too but I have no problem with warez users...I like warez too..but as I said I had to buy the A7 pro original version cause the bugs..SO shut...the ...f*ck....upppp
Posted By: Espér

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 10:23

what version of A7 Pro?
perhaps you didn't make the last updates or so..
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 11:00

Version: 7.8

Anyway it shouldnt be any difference if i use 3dsmax meshes as walls, or wed blocks (considering the lights)?
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 11:08

there is a difference between models and level blocks
try to import your level into med and not using a model and you will be fine
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 12:25

Why dont the model walls affected by the lights properly? Why only the level blocks?

EDIT: I solved one problem - the sunlight

I put this in the code: sun_light = 0; And it works.

Just didnt understand why dont turn it off automatically, when i set everytinhg to zero in WED. But in wed its only the Sun's color I changed not the power of it....
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 12:33

because models need dynamic lights for beeing affected, level blocks get precalculated lights (static ones with a high resulution, but "no" speed impacts)
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 12:47

Uhh thanks for the info!

So its better if I use level blocks as walls? Or how do you make your levels?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 12:58

so what exactly are you using right NOW in this moment? A7 Pro or A8 Free or what?
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 12:59

i don't make levels
i let others make me models ^^

no, just kidding
i'm a really bad mapper/modeler, so i mostly convert levels from other games
but i'm using models imported as level blocks (Just look at File->Import->...)
So you get a detailed level made with whatever but also with gamestudio lightmaps and so on...
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:17

"but i'm using models imported as level blocks (Just look at File->Import->...)"

Do you mean to import 3dsmax objects to MED and than u save it as MDL files? OR how do you do that models behave as level blocks (and can also affected by static lights etc)?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:22

Originally Posted By: Norby
...OR how do you do that models behave as level blocks (and can also affected by static lights etc)?

sure, a Guy who OWNS GameStudio Pro (What ever Version) AND 3dsMax (~3500$) would ask a question like that! Come on guys!
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:28

Chris go trolling somewhere else! As u see there are not just jerks as you, some people like MasterQ32 are trying to help! And I really appreciate that!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:32

Confess and we will help you.
Keep going like you do and i will troll you for the rest of my life!
Posted By: Rei_Ayanami

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:36

Norby, stop insulting other forum members.
You have proven that you are using a warez version and have no evidence to prove us wrong.

Consider this as a warning.
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:40

Where is your evidence that I'm using a warez version?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:47

1. admited to use Warez (before)
2. support warez users (with your words: "I like Warez")
3. spend around 4200 bucks on something you have almost no idea and have to ask the simplest question here.
4. your attitude
5. your attitude
6. your attitude
7. said you bought (updated to) A7.6 Pro I believe in a time of A8!
Posted By: Rackscha

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 13:48

@Norby: if you're using a paid version now, contact JCL. He might help you getting rid of "Warez kiddie"(by providing name and password, but ask JCL first if and how you can prove your license before sending data through the web wink )
Posted By: Norby

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 14:03

"1. admited to use Warez (before)
2. support warez users (with your words: "I like Warez")"

Admitted to use warez before, and support warez users doesnt mean I use 3dgs warez version NOW. simple logic fail...

"3. spend around 4200 bucks on something you have almost no idea and have to ask the simpliest question here."

My question was clear dude..take a second look.

"7. said you updated to A7.6 Pro I believe in a time of A8!"

Dude I said AGES AGO...back than A7.8 pro was the best..A8 was non existent...simple logic fail again grin

"4. your attitude"

You are attacking over again and again without any evidense. What are you expect?


Anyway both problem solved!!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH MASTERQ32!!!! I never noticed that I can import a mesh in WED too not just MED. Thanks again. Everything is working now! laugh

Chris and badass moderators can go to hell bye.... grin
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 14:07

Originally Posted By: Norby
Chris and badass moderators can go to hell

been there, done that. Your turn now!

big logical FAIL yourself JERK:

August 27, 2012
Quote: i bought a original one..AFTER THAT I registrated here ...

#279141 - 07/16/09 20:26
3d Gamestudio Pro A7 v7.05

Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 16:14

no offense to chris/marian:
i've got the 3ds max 2012 also for free, but not a warez version but student
Posted By: alibaba

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/27/12 21:51

Posted By: Reconnoiter

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/28/12 12:29

love this guy grin , sorry could not resist trolling here
Posted By: sivan

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/28/12 20:05

( another fun thread grin )
Posted By: Norby3

Re: using models as walls - lighting problem - 08/28/12 21:32

I don't use cracked version, believe me I'm a pirate harr harr ^^
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