Best way to create levels

Posted By: freeflyklown

Best way to create levels - 01/13/13 11:46


I own GS commercial. I plan on making a game similar to the old dyndicate. Therefore, my levels will be cities. What is the best way to create such levels? Is it better to create them completely in a tool like blender or max and then import into gs? Or is it better to create them with blocks in WED? What is the advantage/disadvantage of each of these two methods?

Posted By: ratchet

Re: Best way to create levels - 01/13/13 13:10

It really depends if you are more comfortable with WED or Blender ?

Blender :
If you know how to model, unwrap in Blender go for it, you have total freedom.
Lightmap import in 3DGS is not easy at all , so you'llhave to use real ligths and perhaps some rela time shadows.

It has some BSP restrictions, but it will produce lightmaps for you. If your models will be simple go for WED.
But when buidlings or stuff is complex go for Blender that have all modeling tools you could need.

Google Sketchup :
For buildings it's powerfull and easy ,fast (you(ll have just to dig some internet tutorials on basic modeling). you export to Collada, then import Collada in Blender than remove any duplicated vertex, perhaps clean geometry than export to FBX or Ojb format , than import in MED (yes it's some more complicated).

Posted By: freeflyklown

Re: Best way to create levels - 01/13/13 13:39

Regarding the lightmap import into 3dgs, is there some tutorial around? And what's with the wiki...for days I can't reach it, it's always on maintenance..
Posted By: ratchet

Re: Best way to create levels - 01/13/13 15:14

There is a way to import Blender Lightmaps also.
you should ask in forum !
Posted By: Superku

Re: Best way to create levels - 01/13/13 18:07

This very much depends on the kind of game you want to make, too. I would not suggest to create a city for a 1st person perspective with blocks but an isometric game like Syndicate is perfectly fine to do so.
You can use blocks with default/ simple testing textures to create the layout easily and test the gameplay and make changes if necessary. If you are pleased with the level sketch you can add details with blocks and models or use the layout for basis in Blender or any other program.
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