More then 1 Actor

Posted By: Romin

More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 02:41

How to use Azarov Dmitry's Pathfinding for more then one actor? Because it only supports 1 actor.
Suppose i want several enemies at same time to use pathfinding?
Posted By: Romin

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 16:30

After digging all the old and dusty posts i found 1 solution offered by a user named snake67 in 2010. Here is his solution...
Its so simple. You leave the A* files as they are, just include them. Then add this pices where you need them:

// define this

#define _path_n skill30
#define PATH_POINT_MAX 20 // or what you want

typedef struct
var x,y,z;

// insert this in actor action

POINT* path_point=malloc(PATH_POINT_MAX*sizeof(POINT));	// allocate buffer to store path points

// scan path to player and copy it in buffer

if(asFindasPath(my.x, player.x))
for(my._path_n=0; asPath.head!=NULL && my._path_n<PATH_POINT_MAX; my._path_n++)
vec_set(path_point[my._path_n].x, asPath.head.pos);

But unfortunately i couldn't understand it.
Does anybody knows how to use it?

Please your answer worths millions for me, i am stuck badly with it.
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 16:46

i think there is all you need in it
just read the comments
path_point contains all your path points
Posted By: 3run

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 17:59

There is a way to make it move without structure and stuff! Just don't be such a lazy ass and make all global stuff local! And stop spamming everything and everyone!
Posted By: Romin

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 18:18

Originally Posted By: 3run
There is a way to make it move without structure and stuff! Just don't be such a lazy ass and make all global stuff local! And stop spamming everything and everyone!

I am not very expert in coding. Which global variables i should set to local? Can you provide me your modified code please?

Please someone tell me how to make it work for multiple bots?
Posted By: MasterQ32

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 18:21

he just told it.
Posted By: Romin

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 18:41

Originally Posted By: MasterQ32
he just told it.

In 2 words he just said to "change global stuff to local" whithout considering how hard it is for a newbie to change source of a pathfinding.

I still don't have any clue what to do. A guru help me please.
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 18:46

Originally Posted By: Romin via PM
belive me i am very good at coding in gamestudio

This shouldn't be too much of a problem for someone very good at coding... You just have the wrong attitude towards this.
Posted By: 3run

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 18:54

Originally Posted By: Uhrwerk
Originally Posted By: Romin via PM
belive me i am very good at coding in gamestudio
lol, so I'm not the only one getting this kind of messages from him! grin

coding guru Romin, here are the differences between local and global:
VECTOR temp_vec; // fucking global shit!

// useful function goes here:
function killYouSeft(){
   VECTOR temp_vec; // fucking local shit!

Posted By: Romin

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 19:06

I already converted all the global vars to local but i am getting lots of weired errors. Can someone try their expertise to fix it?

If fixed It will be a very usefull script to contribute to all the people of 3dgs specially newbies laugh
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 21:02

I can just recommend you to stop working on this project and carry on with the development when you have
some (and enough!) experience for what you're trying to do and when you really know the code you're using.

Make something simpler instead, even if it's just a pong clone. The most important thing is that you try to do
something achievable, something within your reach.
With this you'll have the least problems and will learn pretty fast.

That's the best and only advise I can give to you.

Anyway, I wish you the best luck with your project(s) and hope that you won't be too disappointed if things don't
go as you've expected them to be.

regards, Alex
Posted By: Romin

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 22:15

Originally Posted By: Kartoffel

Anyway, I wish you the best luck with your project(s) and hope that you won't be too disappointed if things don't
go as you've expected them to be.

regards, Alex

Finally a kind and good person...
Otherwise i onlyl have been discouraged, demoralized and criticized only for asking help in the offical help forum. & those who tried to help asked for money via private messages and when i refused to pay, they became angry and came here and cricized me more.

I don't know what happent to this forum last time i was here during a6 it was a completely different forum, a Thriving and full of friendly people but as i have seen most of them left for Unity etc. Now here only remains some very old users who are are still trying and hoping that they will finally release a working title. this has effected their health, when you ask them for help they become very angry and give you lots of advice how not to ask for help. Yes believe me if you search for my previouse two threads you will be wondered.

Originally Posted By: Kartoffel

Make something simpler instead, even if it's just a pong clone. The most important thing is that you try to do
something achievable, something within your reach.
With this you'll have the least problems and will learn pretty fast.

Search my whole previouse posts you will find that i have only asked for help in pathfinding. If this engine don't have a bultin pathfinding solution and we have to use third party tools which is not even documented or working for all type of geames, it doesn't mean i don't know coding.

Originally Posted By: Kartoffel
I can just recommend you to stop working on this project and carry on with the development when you have
some (and enough!) experience for what you're trying to do and when you really know the code you're using.

My project is finished i only want to implement pathfinding.

If since several days i can't make the pathfinding work, it clearly shows that this game engine is not as friendly and feature rich as it is advertised. Otherwise in other game engine like Unity it takes a few minutes to setup a working pathfinding.
What is worst it uses uses third party pathfindings and if you try to ask their owners questions about their code they get angry and burst at you(look at my previouse threads)
Posted By: Superku

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 22:34

Now here only remains some very old users who are are still trying and hoping that they will finally release a working title. this has effected their health, when you ask them for help they become very angry and give you lots of advice how not to ask for help.

Please change your attitude or leave the forum and never come back, thanks. You are unteachable.
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/25/13 22:35

Originally Posted By: Romin
Otherwise i onlyl have been discouraged, demoralized and criticized only for asking help in the offical help forum. & those who tried to help asked for money via private messages and when i refused to pay, they became angry and came here and cricized me more.
You better be careful with claims like these. If there is any doubt on who "got angry", i can publish the PMs you sent me. Insulting people you want help from is in general a pretty stupid idea.
Originally Posted By: Romin
My project is finished i only want to implement pathfinding.
Posted By: 3run

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/26/13 13:04

Originally Posted By: Romin
Otherwise in other game engine like Unity it takes a few minutes to setup a working pathfinding.
Get the fuck out of this forum then! Switch to Unity, if it's so freaking awesome. And I wish the part of unitygays will go after you as well! Most of those who prefer it over Acknex, just can't make something useful for their own projects by them selfs, looking for native tools. And those Third Party Tools aren't useful for them, cause they don't know how to use them! As in this case, with you.
Originally Posted By: Romin
not even documented or working for all type of geames, it doesn't mean i don't know coding.
There is no pathfinding that will work perfectly for all type of games, if you are saying such silly things, that already means that you have no idea of what game development really is. And if you can't make something that you need for your project, then you really have no clue what coding is! At least, if you don't know the differences between local and global pointers!

I've helped you several times via PM, each fucking time, you was saying something like "you've helped me wrong" or "I've already fixed that". You've asked me, to make it work for you, to adapt it under you needs. To download your level and so! I've said that I can't do that, cause I have a lot of things on my side to deal with at the moment. And each time I was deleting myself from the private conversation, you were writing me over and over again! Are you fucking nuts? You've only stopped, when I told you that I'll block you for spamming if you won't stop writing me PMs!
Originally Posted By: Romin
Is, that you are a dumb person, who doesn't respect other peoples help/time/work! Get the hell out of here!


Originally Posted By: Superku
Please change your attitude or leave the forum and never come back, thanks. You are unteachable.
Man, there is no way for him to be taught. Best thing that he could do, is to get the hell out. But I'm pretty sure, that in near future, we'll have a new member on the forum, asking for help as he does. And I'm not sure that it won't be him again grin
Posted By: Romin

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/26/13 13:47

Finally made it...
I had to change most of this complicating Pathfinding source code line by line, Now it works with unlimited number of bots wink

Originally Posted By: 3run
lol, so I'm not the only one getting this kind of messages from him! grin

LOL! I Sent you PM coz i found your begging for the same thing HERE. I thought if you found the solution so it would make my work easier instead of modifing all the codes line by line by myself. I didn't know you are a jurk who begs people for help then refuses to help others.

Originally Posted By: 3run

coding guru Romin, here are the differences between local and global:
VECTOR temp_vec; // fucking global shit!

// useful function goes here:
function killYouSeft(){
   VECTOR temp_vec; // fucking local shit!

Lol... you lil piece of shit, I know coding better then you though you are 24 hours online in this site for past several years, Ironically without producing even 1 working title even with 1 level O.o .
My advice for you! go kid find some other hobby this game making didn't worked for you frown

And one more thing! i know you since atleast A6, and from my old account i found out that i helped you with one of your posts for help turning player to a specific entity smoothly. if one goes deep in your posts history they wouold find how noob you are where were begging for noob questions like how to turn entity angle and stuff. and now you thought you have learnt enough to teach others local and global vars??? funny...

Originally Posted By: Superku

Please change your attitude or leave the forum and never come back, thanks. You are unteachable.

Another looser!... One can judge you from your damn boring 2d looking game without artwork, graphics or creativity... wake up man it is 2013. nobody will play your 1995 looking game anymore, even my lil sister who just learnt photoshop knows how to produce great looking graphics. And one can find you online in this forum 24 hours & active from several years. You only know how to code but don't even have an idea how to make playable game.
And What you said?... leave the forum and never come back? Who the hell you are to tell me what to do?

This forum has become a scary ghost forum. You will find active only less then a dozen angry psycho loosers who are desperately trying and failing to make a even one playable game.


Posted By: 3run

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/26/13 14:20

Originally Posted By: Romin
you lil piece of shit, I know coding better then you though you are 24 hours online in this site for past several years, Ironically without producing even 1 working title even with 1 level O.o
Here you go (one of my projects):
Last Stand
Originally Posted By: Romin
I didn't know you are a jurk who begs people for help then refuses to help others.
Maybe you wish, but I'm one of those people who is actually not only trying to, but helping other people (newbies). And the main thing is, that there are differences between helping and MAKING SOMETHING THAT YOU HAVE TO DO YOURSELF wink
Originally Posted By: Romin
i know you since atleast A6
I'm around here since A7, but I guess even back then, you, were too dumb to update grin
Originally Posted By: Romin
now you thought you have learnt enough to teach others local and global vars??? funny...
Funny is, that someone helped to you to make you shut the fuck up grin Cause maybe that someone couldn't stand to see you whining grin Or finally you, got the differences between global and local stuff grin So yes, I guess I was good enough to taught you that ^^
Originally Posted By: Romin
Another looser!
There is no other loose than you freak. No go back to your cave, and never go out.

I'm really happy to see that you, are leaving now, thank you laugh And I'm pretty sure, that there will be no place for you in unity forum as well, if you'll keep your attitude wink Now after reading this all, you can get lost. Bye
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/26/13 14:20

With this post you've just showed us how egoistic, childish and ungrateful you are.
As long as you keep this attitude you won't get help form anyone. Neither here nor anywhere else.

Nobody will help you if you can't talk about anything on a cultivated level.

Thanks for making us clear that we wasted our time.

EDIT: @3run
I agree but you shouldn't get down to the same low and retarded linguistic level as he did.
Posted By: 3run

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/26/13 22:05

Kartoffel@ it's easier to retards to understand you, if you talk to them the way, as they do grin
Posted By: Superku

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/26/13 22:31

Another looser!...

Who the hell you are to tell me what to do?

I am the guy who tells you what is best for you.
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: More then 1 Actor - 01/26/13 23:52

Everyone, please take a deep breath and calm down!
There is no need to insult Romin, and Romin, there is no need to insult others. If you don't want to contribute to the topic, don't post.

@3run: I've known you as a very helpful and polite guy, please don't change that now. This goes for some others in this topic as well.

@Everyone: I'm closing this topic now, the question is solved and everything else will only result in more bad blood. Feel free to write me a PM if you have a problem with that (but please don't start a new topic if all you want is to continue this flame war).
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