
Posted By: GaniX

nexus - 05/11/13 02:52

hello everyone, i have this problem: i do a lvl and when i compile an error appears ... to small nexus (24)...
ok i make a new lvl with more models and compile and run good... why is that? i read that is because something about the ram but i donīt know why?
Posted By: Nems

Re: nexus - 05/11/13 07:49

In 'File' (menu at top left laugh ) select 'Map Properties' then set the nexus to what you want, 50, 150 etc....for each proj or adjust when required in increments ....
Posted By: GaniX

Re: nexus - 05/11/13 23:57

ok and what is the best performance? (i have 500 nexus)

and another question : the problem of nexus appears when i use this code

type ="pistol2.mdl";
view = camera;
x =camera.x;
y =camera.y;
z =camera.z;

type ="chainsaw.mdl";
view = camera;
x =camera.x;
y =camera.y;
z =camera.z;

type ="hksl8.mdl";
view = camera;
x =camera.x;
y =camera.y;
z =camera.z;

type = "coltshell.mdl";
view = camera;
layer = 0;
scale_x = 1.5;
scale_y = 1.5;
scale_z = 1.5;
x = 30;
y = -6;
z = -2;

because when i dellete some entity the program run good...
iīm thinking in the following solution:

var gun global var
if key 1 gun =1
if key 2 gun=2

if gun ==2 type ="hksl8.mdl";x =
y =camera.y;
z =camera.z;
if gun ==1 type= "pistol.mdk";
x =camera.x+5;
y =camera.y;
z =camera.z+7;

view = camera;

Posted By: Nems

Re: nexus - 05/12/13 01:31

Regard the nexus as your MB allowance for game play, then 500 would be pretty steep, especially if you still have a great deal of development to do....the
question is then optimized is your project to require such a demand?

You can gain a measure by using the F11 key to read the debug panel and make such determinations....

I'm guessing you have lots of entities and large texture maps at the moment so take some time to analyze your asset deployment...
Posted By: GaniX

Re: nexus - 05/12/13 02:45

i donīt understand much of the things youīre saying, are you suggesting me to reduce the number of nexus?, i donīt have a lot of entities.
itīs possible the following:
var gun global var
if key 1 gun =1
if key 2 gun=2

if gun ==2 type ="hksl8.mdl";x =
y =camera.y;
z =camera.z;
if gun ==1 type= "pistol.mdk";
x =camera.x+5;
y =camera.y;
z =camera.z+7;
Posted By: Nems

Re: nexus - 05/12/13 05:24

Sorry is your code as you are showing it actually how you are writing it in your script?

if key 1 gun = 1 should be
if(key_1 = 1)
gun = 1;
or so........

Do check with the Debug panel to see where the greatest amount of numbers are...
It could be a repeating loop increasing itself as time goes on....
e.g. under 'Count Of', check 'fnc' to see if it is climbing, if it is then you have the cause of your bottleneck so recheck your code......

It could be something else but you wont really get a clue on it if you dont use the Debug process.....
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