Some software questions

Posted By: rtsgamer706

Some software questions - 05/29/14 14:36

Hello, I am working with the free version of A8 and I've got a couple of questions about the software.
One, in the free version is there a way to create an .exe out of my programs? I'd like to be able to run a couple off of a computer without gamestudio on it.
Also, does anyone know of a good (preferably free) capture software that can capture gamestudio? For some reason the one I've used before shows a black screen in the recording when I actually run the program.
Posted By: Reconnoiter

Re: Some software questions - 05/29/14 14:46

Compile to .exe is for extra version or above I think see 'versions' on the gamestudio 3d site

As for recording, maybe Bandicam?
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Some software questions - 05/29/14 14:58

Thanks for replying so quickly, I'll take a look at Bandicam.
As for the compiling I have a really stupid question... What tab is compile in?
Posted By: SkullBoy99

Re: Some software questions - 05/29/14 15:37

For compiling a exe(without any edition(pro,extra...),made a c++ app.
Posted By: rtsgamer706

Re: Some software questions - 05/29/14 15:57

Don't worry I don't have any malicious intent, I just can't connect my laptop to the projector at work, so I want to transfer the program to the computer there.
I take it I can create the C++ app in gamestudio? Sorry I haven't tried to export any projects before.
Posted By: sivan

Re: Some software questions - 05/31/14 13:04

you can compile a special kind of exe with free edition that compiles source when started, thus source must be included.
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