Help! Several issues with WED!

Posted By: CyberGhost

Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 14:09

I am having several problems with WED, mostly unability to open files:-

1) I attached a level to my main script in "Map properties" window. The main script itself is 'attached' successfully ,but the scripts included in the main script (through "#include") are NOT attached. WED keeps saying "Can't open this.c or that.c". Also, when I try to run the level (after being compiled), it can't even open the main script itself although WED didn't complain about main script during attaching. Is that normal?

2) I opened the 'bed01' prefab in WED, added "standard.wad" to attach some textures to the bed. I modified some offsets & scales in a texture IN PROPERTIES WINDOW OF THE BED (and obviously it affected the texture own properties window). I saved it as a normal .wmp level. However, when I open it, it says "can't open standard.wad" and I just get some dull blocks with NO textures frown .

3) I want to SCALE a map entity AFTER BEING ADDED to a level. Is there a way to do so? I just want to scale that bed to fit the bedroom.

Actually, I had to copy the bed.wmp into "prefabs" folder ,so is there a way to use MY OWN prefabs without having to do the copying? I mean I CAN scale prefabs while CAN'T scale normal map entities ,so I will have to use them as prefabs.
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 14:19

The issues are not with WED ^_^
1) I attached a level to my main script in "Map properties" window.

You mean: You attached a script to a level.


#include <mtlFX.c> //Default files
#include "thisoniscustom.c" //custom files


2) I opened the 'bed01' prefab in WED

Dont. Make a model insteand. your killing your resources for an ugly prefab.

3. No. Dont. Model instead.
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 14:45

I agree with you concerning the 'model' thing grin
But the problem is still there. What if I want to add some columns or doors or a ... bridge? I mean there are some uses for map ents. It doesn't really has to be a 'bed'. I am asking about this in general ....
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 16:01

I would generally suggest that WED Blocks be used for walls, floors, ceilings.. But as for a bridge - I would recommend a model. Using proper collision, you can achieve flawless gravity between blocks and Models. However if you choose to make a bridge with WED blocks, you can check out my tutorial bellow and it teaches you how to apply textures to WED blocks so you can learn the fundamentals of WED
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 16:21

Isn't it still under construction?
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 19:25
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 19:39

What about the including issue (no. 1)?
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 19:50

I mean I can't test my map. It gives error because of inability to open the script
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 19:58

Why does the file have extension $$M ?
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 20:43

I think I knew it. The level is in subfolder of work folder ,so it considers that subfolder as the main work folder. When I added my REAL work folder as a "path" in WED, it made a WDL copy and considered all subfolders contain only WDL (there is {WDL} in each path in WED)

Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 21:05

make sure you use PRAGMA_PATH where applicable.

Your Project folder will contain all your work files - When you run the map compiler it creats several extensions branched off your level name. You wan map.wmb for loading a level.

Make sure you are using the correct coding for your includes -> as noted above there are two types.



#include <mtlFX.c> //Default files
#include "thisoniscustom.c" //custom files

Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/06/14 21:25

Everything is alright in the script and I really know the difference between includes (using 3DGS for nearly a year grin ).

The problem really bothers me. I can't even add models, sprites or anything because after I click Add Model from right-click list, it should show ALL subfolders ,right? No. It shows ONLY the subfolder in which the level is which normally contains levels only (no models or sprites ..etc.)

Nice tutorial btw wink ...


Originally Posted By: DLively
When you run the map compiler it creats several extensions branched off your level name. You wan map.wmb for loading a level.

Do you mean that .$$M thing? Even map compiler compiles into it. What is it anyway? I used to make levels ,but there was no such thing
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/07/14 00:05

like I mentioned, when you compile a level, (level.wmp) for example, it will create several extentions in your project folder. such as -> WMB, $$M, $$p, $$w... You only need to concern yourself with the wmb file, as it is the file used to load the level through script.

where are your models placed? in a subfolder? if so you will need to have PRAGMA_PATH set up so te script can find those models.

Otherwise, you should take care to ensure everything is in the correct project folder, and that you didnt accidently save it to an arbitrary file, or location.

Ps. Thanks. Spent many hours on that tut laugh

EDIT: Look into pragma path wink
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/07/14 01:17

Originally Posted By: DLively
like I mentioned, when you compile a level, (level.wmp) for example, it will create several extentions in your project folder. such as -> WMB, $$M, $$p, $$w... You only need to concern yourself with the wmb file, as it is the file used to load the level through script.

I think there is NO .wmp(p) file directly or maybe it's kinda 'level.$$M.wmb(p)' ,right?

Originally Posted By: DLively

where are your models placed? in a subfolder? if so you will need to have PRAGMA_PATH set up so te script can find those models.

I am sure I did the include and PRAGMA_PATH stuff right. I know I should do something ,but can't remember it.

Originally Posted By: DLively

Otherwise, you should take care to ensure everything is in the correct project folder, and that you didnt accidently save it to an arbitrary file, or location.

I am sure everything is correct. Normally, the problem is as follows:

WED deals with subfolder called 'levels' (in which the level files are in) as the WORK directory. Not only that, but when I add a path for the REAL work folder, ALL needed paths are added once and TREATED AS WDL RESOURCES ,so I can't add any models, sprites, sounds or anything

Originally Posted By: DLively

EDIT: Look into pragma path wink

Man, I swear it is not PRAGMA_PATH! LOL
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/07/14 02:23


level_load("thislevel.wmb"); will run your level. Ignore all other extensions -> Lets not discuss the other extentions - If you compiled your level its there.

Perhaps a small example of the first few lines of your main script, which include the includes, pragmapaths, and the first level load - any strings that are fixed to the level load..
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/07/14 14:59

Look, the situation changed. I can load models, sprites and all kinds of stuff into WED. But the problem is: I CAN'T TEST RUN THE LEVEL. I can load that level in the main script. So, that's not a REAL PROBLEM ,but it is still a problem 'cause I haven't yet started scripting anything concerning the level ,but still want to test it.

Ok, here's my PRAGMA_PATH code:

#define PRAGMA_PATH "models";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "levels";

#define PRAGMA_PATH "levels/game_startup";

#define PRAGMA_PATH "levels/chapter_1";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "levels/chapter_1/mission_1";

#define PRAGMA_PATH "levels/map_entities";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "levels/map_entities/bed1";

#define PRAGMA_PATH "terrains";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "scripts";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "sprites";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "sprites/GUI images";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "sprites/GUI images/Out game";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "sounds";
#define PRAGMA_PATH "fonts";

This image might give you more info about my issue:

I really can deal with it. I can just copy models to every level folder, then after I finish building my FASCINATING level, I just wipe out all the BAD models. "GET OUT ,EVIL MODELS!! YOU GOT MY BRAIN COLLAPSING!! mad "

Btw. Can you tell me of any site offering FREE and COMMERCIAL terrains? 'cause I think they are the hardest-to-get resources grin
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/08/14 18:50

#define PRAGMA_PATH "path";
A7.10 Looks for include and other files in the given path when they are not found in the current folder. This is similar to the PATH statement in a project file, with the exception that paths given by PRAGMA_PATH are also used for include files. Example:
#define PRAGMA_PATH "%EXE_DIR%\Map-Editor\Scripts";
Paths will be searched in the given sequence. They are relative to the current work folder. In order to be able to copy your project to different locations, use relative paths for all files belonging to your project, and absolute paths for all files that are on an absolute location on your hard disk (like template scripts).
If the path begins with "%EXE_DIR%", it's a subfolder of the program folder (like "%EXE_DIR%\templates\images"). Apart from that, do not use special characters or spaces in your folder names.
Theoretically you can specify up to 32 PATH names, but it's better to stay well below that limit. Each folder is searched in sequence until a given file is found, so having lots of paths can increase the project startup time.
PRAGMA_PATH is only evaluated during compilation. In a published project, all files are placed in the project folder by default. For using subfolders in a published project, either add them at runtime through add_folder(), or use a .wdl project file.
Paths can be read by external applications through the pPaths array.
Paths, just like variables, file or object names, must not contain spaces.


#define PRAGMA_PATH "sprites/GUI images/Out game";

I just make my terrains laugh
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/08/14 18:52

Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/08/14 19:58

Originally Posted By: DLively

Really? I remember someone who had another opinion!

Originally Posted By: DLively
#define PRAGMA_PATH "path";

Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/08/14 20:43

Doesnt matter what I copied from the manual. Experience reminded me that your use of semicolins is the problem. did that fix it?
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/08/14 23:32

For related issues with other users, did this info help solve your problem?
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/08/14 23:49

I am busy right now, but I am gonna try it when I open my PC tomorrow
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/09/14 10:25

No, it didn't solve my problem. I can live with it laugh
Posted By: DLively

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/09/14 12:58

At anyrate - no semis with defines / includes.

I can keep trying to solve it if you are patient enough - You just need to give me more to work with laugh
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 07/09/14 14:35

Of course, I will be glad to.

Thanks laugh
Posted By: CyberGhost

Re: Help! Several issues with WED! - 08/01/14 22:19

I think no one is going to solve problem #1

Will be moved to 'Ask the developers'
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