
Posted By: Atsu

Shadows - 03/11/06 18:12

Could someone explain how can I achieve shadows like this (just a quick render):

Models with static shadows in my level get shadows like that, but how do I make the shadows affect the player character like that? Currently it doesn't seem to reflect any shadows on to it's model. Any shadowing visible on it's model is seen as fading.
Posted By: Trooper119

Re: Shadows - 03/11/06 18:18

Consult the Aum's they have soft shadows and such that may help you out, not sure if they are there though, a listing of the Aum's is here from 1 to 43 that may help you a little.
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: Shadows - 03/11/06 21:25

Soft Shadows came with AUM 51
Posted By: Atsu

Re: Shadows - 03/12/06 01:04

Alright. I tried those, but it gives me this error:

Malfunction W1550

Error in effect:
mat_softshadows(44) : (Assembly Error) syntax error

Any suggestions how to fix it? But basicly this would allow the character model to react shadows like that?
Posted By: Atsu

Re: Stencil buffer shadows - 03/25/06 12:18

Edit: Got it.

I stumbled on to another problem. My player character models shadow is casted only on to a floor, so I suppose it's using Z buffer shadow as in default. I have tried to enable Stencil buffer shadows with this: var shadow_stencil = on; in various places, but it doesn't seem to work. The shadow still ignores everything, for example: I have a wall where I would like the shadow to be casted, but the shadow just goes under it.

Noob question I suppose, but I can't seem to figure it out. How do I enable the stencil buffer shadows?
Posted By: lostzac

Re: Stencil buffer shadows - 06/11/06 03:13

I am getting the same error : mat_softshadows(44) : (Assembly Error) syntax error, and I for the life of me can not figure it out...can anyone help ?
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