indiscriminate file paths

Posted By: testDummy

indiscriminate file paths - 04/15/06 17:43

This applies to version 6.31.4. These issues may have been corrected in a beta version.
I did not see any statement indicating that bug declarations for non-beta versions are forbidden.
I did not see this listed in "GameStudio Bug History".
When using the "add models" function, it does not appear that WED properly distinguishes between "model.mdl" with a file path "directory0\model.mdl" and "model.mdl" with a file path of "directory1\model.mdl".
Note that the file "wireframe" browser for "add models" properly displays the correct images for "directory0\model.mdl and "directory1\model.mdl", but it would seem, if "directory0\model.mdl" is "added" first, an attempt to "add" "directory1\model.mdl" might "add" "directory0\model.mdl" instead.

I have not determined whether or not the engine itself makes the correct distinction for models, when the file names are the same, and the file paths (directories) are different. I observed what appeared to be some evidence that the engine did not make this distinction, but this evidence may have been a false positive, produced by a script error.

Why would I use the same file names for models? I was using Quake 2 models downloaded from polycount for some testing. Each actor had a directory which contained its resources and "weapon.mdl" was a resource for each actor.
Posted By: jcl

Re: indiscriminate file paths - 04/19/06 08:32

This is no different in 6.31 and 6.40.

'Add Model' copies the model into the work folder.
Posted By: testDummy

Re: indiscriminate file paths - 04/21/06 04:56

You probably won't view this thread again, so, in some sense, I may be wasting my time.

Perhaps, you may assume that I, the user, am wrong, and maybe, as a result, I may take the assumption that you are right to an extreme.

If in the interface for WED, the action for menu item "add models" should copy a model to the work folder, and instead, it appears that the the action for menu item "load entity", places the selected model into the work directory, perhaps I might assume that my copy is flawed, or has some interface bug. I might consider the possibility that this potential "interface bug" is not isolated to my copy alone, so, at this time, I ask that other users test the interface and note whether or not it appears that the execution for menu item "add models" copies a model into the work directory, or instead, the execution of "load entity" appears to copy a model into the work directory. Note, if there is no confusion about what menu item executes what action (such might be the result of language discreptancies), and other users have copies where the interface as described here does not match-up with what they have there , then perhaps those other users should mention this "interface bug", and if such is prevalent, posts might be made in the "Bug Hunt" forum category.

Interface confusion or bugs aside, to produce conditions that might demonstrate the suspected bug, the original potential bug mentioned, not the possible new interface bug to be confirmed:
1. Make a directory a and b inside the work directory as siblings (at the same level in the tree).
2. Make two models in MED (one a sphere and another a cube).
3. Place the sphere model in directory a and the cube model in directory b.
4. Rename both the model filenames so that
---the relative path for the sphere model is "a\model.mdl"
---and the relative path for the cube model is "b\model.mdl".
5. In WED, create a new level (wmp) or use an existing level (wmp).
6. Using "Map Properties"
--- (unless, of course there are user interface glitches in my version)
---attach a main script (a script with a "main" function) to the level.
7. In "Preferences" set "Reload of externally modified files:" to "auto".
8. At the top of the main script, (attached to the level), add the following:

path "a";
path "b";

9. Add the sphere and cube models using the "add models" action, or which every
---menu item limits the browsing of files to directories mentioned in "path",
---and allows you to "add models" to the current level in WED.
---Please make sure that the models are not in the same exact position.
---Note, that there should be a model.mdl in directory a and directory b,
---and the file browser interface, should offer a wireframe image to
---help you determine which is which if you have forgotten.
---Note, that if the model is copied to the working directory, it might be assumed
---that the wrong action was used to "add models".
10.Do you see both primitives, the sphere ("a\model.mdl")
---and the cube ("b\model.mdl") models in WED.
---Particularily do you see a sphere and a cube in WED.
---If you do not, did you expect to see a sphere and a cube.

Note that this post is not meant to indicate disrespect for any decisions made with respect to this issue.
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