Startup Failure error

Posted By: trister

Startup Failure error - 05/12/06 02:46

I just upgraded to commercial today from 6.2. When I ran what I designed in 6.2 I got the error 'Startup failure'

Error(95): Keyword unknown INKEY _game_save
Error(95): Keyword unknown INKEY console

both errors are pointing to file 'menu.wdl'

Any advices are greatly appreciated.
updated notes

I just realized that I can't seemed to run any included scripts at all from my main script. Hope this helps.

Posted By: FoxHound

Re: Startup Failure error - 05/12/06 03:25

you should update to 6.31.4 from the download page or 6.40.4 from the "update/announcement" forum. This should solve your problems.
Posted By: trister

Re: Startup Failure error - 05/12/06 03:40

I did run the update from the start and this is what it shows

Gamestudio Commercial 6.31.4/WED V6.269
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: Startup Failure error - 05/12/06 06:08

I had assumed this is the templates you were using (by the name of the scrit), so an ealier version of 3dgs may not run some scripts. Ask this in the template forum as they would know better.

If it's not the templates, post your code so we can check.
Posted By: trister

Re: Startup Failure error - 05/12/06 06:25

ok Foxhound. Thank you for the tip.
Posted By: trister

Re: Startup Failure error - 05/12/06 13:05

Here is the code. I apologized for maybe its too long. Is there a way to attach a file?

path "C:\\HWorld\\templates"; // Path to WDL templates subdirectory
path "C:\\HWorld\\models";
path "C:\\HWorld\\textures";
path "C:\\HWorld\\sounds";

var gold = 0; // The Gold
var amtpickup;
string gold_str = "GOLD = ";

include <warlock.wdl>;
//include <player.wdl>;
include <lines.wdl>;
//include <move.wdl>;

include <movement.wdl>;
include <cameras.wdl>;
include <messages.wdl>;
include <menu.wdl>; // must be inserted before doors and weapons
include <particle.wdl>; // remove when you need no particles
include <doors.wdl>; // remove when you need no doors
include <actors.wdl>; // remove when you need no actors
include <weapons.wdl>; // remove when you need no weapons
include <war.wdl>; // remove when you need no fighting
//include <venture.wdl>; // include when doing an adventure
//include <lflare.wdl>; // remove when you need no lens flares

// The engine starts in the resolution given by the follwing vars.
var video_mode = 7; // screen size 800x600
var video_depth = 32; // 32 bit colour D3D mode
//var video_screen = 1; // full screen

string level_str = <HWorld.WMB>; // give file names in angular brackets

///////////Define Font///////////
font arial_font = "Arial",0,16; // true type, Arial, non-bold, size = 20

///////////Define Sounds///////
//Sound ploing = <ploing.wav>; //The Coin impact Sound

/////////Define Bmaps///////////
bmap dash_bmap = <dash.bmp>;
bmap letters_bmap = <letters.bmp>;
bmap inventory_bmap = <inventory.bmp>;
bmap quitgame_bmap = <quitgame.bmp>;
bmap cursor_pcx = <cursor.pcx>;
//bmap letters_menu_bmap = <letters_menu.bmp>;
//bmap inv_menu_bmap = <inv_menu.bmp>;

function main()

mouse_map = cursor_pcx;
mouse_mode = 1;

while (1)

mouse_pos.x = pointer.x;
mouse_pos.y = pointer.y;

wait (1);

on_esc = quit_game();

function total_gold_collect()
if (gold >= 19)

function player_movement()
key_force.x = key_d - key_a;
key_force.y = key_w - key_s;

function more_gold()
amtpickup = random(4)+1;
//play_sound ploing,60; // Play a sound...
gold += amtpickup; // ..give me random points...
remove(me); //... and remove me

function inventory_clicked()

function letters_clicked()

function quit_game()

panel inventory_button
bmap = inventory_bmap;
pos_x = 12;
pos_y = 522;
button = 0,0,inventory_bmap,inventory_bmap,inventory_bmap,inventory_clicked,null,null;
flags = ,,refresh,visible;

panel letters_button
bmap = letters_bmap;
pos_x = 52;
pos_y = 522;
button = 0,0,letters_bmap,letters_bmap,letters_bmap,letters_clicked,null,null;
flags = ,,refresh,visible;

panel quitgame_button
bmap = quitgame_bmap;
pos_x = 712;
pos_y = 522;
button = 0,0,quitgame_bmap,quitgame_bmap,quitgame_bmap,quit_game,null,null;
flags = ,,refresh,visible;

panel gold_panel // print gold amount
pos_x = 56;
pos_y = 565;
flags = visible,refresh;
digits 0,0,3,arial_font,1,gold;

text gold_txt // print "GOLD" text
pos_x = 12;
pos_y = 565;
font = arial_font;
string = gold_str;
flags = visible;

action coin // the coin action
my.enable_impact = on; // On impact....
my.event = more_gold; // more_gold..

panel dash_panel
bmap = dash_bmap;
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 510;
flags = visible;

Thank you.
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