Aquiring/Equipting Items

Posted By: Krammit

Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 03:39

Ok. So a small project im working on, is getting to the stage where advanced scripting is almost needed. I've worked out all the kinks in the main engine, so the basics are done (with the exception of enemies, enemy intelligence, etc)

There are some things I've never programmed before, and that is being able to aquire an object, and then have it equippted as a weapon.
What I have is this:

You play as a knight, but when you start, I wanted it to not have weapons. Instead have to search the map, to get them.

Basically have it so;
If you come in contact with the weapon (the sword) it becomes equippted to your hand, then follows the hand during animations (moving, attacking, jumping, etc)
Same as the shield, upon collision, attack itself to the left arm (not the hand)

I'm wondering if theres a script capable of that? Or an example/tutorial available somewhere. (I'm guessing it would involve rotating the shield, so it hangs lenght wise on the arm not holding the sword)
If it helps, all my scripts are included to the game with the
include <nameoffile.wdl>;

So help is definitly appriciated, seeing as it helps the overall development.

And if it isnt too much trouble, my music wont play. I've worked out a script I thought would play midi files, but notihng plays during the game, but the script appears to load file, heres the script:

 var LoopMusic = 0;

// Plays the given MIDI file
function DMusicPlay(SA2Death.mid)
LoopMusic = 0;

But it doesnt seem to actually start any music.. So, am I doing something wrong? o_O

Posted By: Sinthoras

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 09:02

I am not into music, so I'll try to fix the 'weapon' problem first

At the beginning, you should think of "how many weapons / shields / overall equipment should my character be able to handle at the same time".
If there's more than one weapon and one shield, the code will have either a very complex structure - or it will be just more, nearly copied code.

But I assume you want to have just one / one, so lets start with that.

We have to create an array, where the items found can be stored in.

var equipment[4]; //0-1: weapon id and weapon handle, 2-3: shield id & handle

Then, lets say "0" is "weapon", and "1" is "shield". What to do with the last one, "2", is left to you. Save something important to it.

Now, its getting more complicated. We have to create 2 event functions for the models, one for the little knight and one for the weapon/shield model.
knights event: EVENT_DETECT -> my.enable_detect = on;
weapons event: EVENT_SCAN -> my.enable_scan = on;

The player has to scan for weapons every frame, so we've to call "c_scan" every frame, e.g. in the main loop.

If the Detected-event of the player is called, we have to check if it is a weapon/shield, and we have to equip the player with the found one (if any).


if( you == a weapon )
you.skill100 = 1; //to remove the weapon, check this in the weapons main loop
equipment[ _weapon ] = you.skill1; //the id of the weapon/shield
//thats it. you could check if there is already a weapon in the players hand, and add more info

Yeah, the weapon got removed from the level and "equipment" has the relevant infos about it.

The next thing now:
We have to check (in the player's function) if equipment[0] and [2] are set, and if they are, whether the [1] and [3] contain the entity handles.
If they do not, as in our example here, we have to create a weapon/shield and set them.

you = ent_create(weapon/shield); //we have to create the items by the ID given in 'equipment'
equipment[ _weapon ] = handle( you );
equipment[ _shield ] = handle( you );

Okay, the handles exist. We can get the pointers by "ptr_for_handle( equipment [ shield ] )"

We go on with the movement:
if the handle exist, lets receive the pointer and move it by the players side!

you = ptr_for_handle( equipment [ _weapon ] );

vec_set(temp.x, vector(0, 100, 0));//vector(0, -100, 0) for the shield
vec_rotate(temp.x, player.pan);
vec_add(temp.x, player.x);

vec_set(you.x, temp);
vec_set(you.pan, player.pan);

Thats it.

I hope the code works and my explanation was not that hard to understand

Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 09:18

While Sinthoras gave you a good example how to equip things, I'll give ya a function which plays your .mid file


var music_handle;

string para_music;

function play_music(para_music,_loop,_volume)
if(!music_handle) { media_stop(music_handle); }

{ music_handle = media_play(para_music,null,_volume); }
{ music_handle = media_loop(para_music,null,_volume); }

//Just call the function like this:
play_music("SA2Death.mid",0,100); //Music will not be looped
play_music("SA2Death.mid",1,100); //Music will be looped

NOTE: The code is not tested! Use it on your own risk
Posted By: Krammit

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 11:39

Thunder: the music script is just going null and void, same as mine o_O
Except this time I get errors such as "unkown parameter _loop" and such
I might be using it wrong, which is a high possability, because I've never used music before.

Sinthoras: thanks, I'll see if I understand what you've written, and I'll try and add it to the script, thanks.
Posted By: Krammit

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 12:21

I'm sure the script would work; had I the knowledge to understand it. Unfortunatly, try as I might, I didn't understand the vast majority of the script, but its to be expected, seeing as I've never done anything like this, my characters always had weapons to begin with (animating was more annoying, file size was larger, etc) so thats why I went this way.

I doubt it, but is there a tutorial that demonstrates weapon attachment? it might just be because reading raw code can jumble the mind, but for some reason I'm not getting the brunt of the info from it, it just seems to go over my head (I should apologize, you probably worked hard on the description :/ )

I'm still trying to get this, but a raw description doesnt seem to work, I apologize for that =/
I guess its different for the music thing, I'm already fairly familier with it, so I can test it, but this I cant even seem to get going with.

If it makes a difference, all the files are input with the
include <nameoffile.wdl>;

inside my 'start.wdl' file
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 16:11

oh yeah I made a slight mistake, try this

var music_handle;

string para_music;

function play_music(para_music,_loop,_volume)
if(music_handle) { media_stop(music_handle); }

{ music_handle = media_play(para_music,null,_volume); }
{ music_handle = media_loop(para_music,null,_volume); }

Posted By: Sinthoras

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 16:39

The description didn't take that long, dont care
The AUM's have an attachment script for sure, unfortunately I never read them and can't tell you where
But if you don't find one there:
Where is the point you're getting confused? I have explained the whole procedure, maybe it is just a little obstacle to get rid of and you understand it

E.g. the event part, if you just dont think of that, it's getting less than the half way to think.

We'll solve that, I'm sure.

Posted By: Krammit

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 17:23

Well thats the thing, I dont even know where to start =E I'm used to the basic things, these, to me, are no where near the basic stuff.
Right off the bat, I decided id save the script you made, and look it over. Kinda found myself staring at the screen
This is different from any other time I've done something. When I first started, i had the basic tutorial that came with 3DGS, and for more advance things, i used AU Resources to find a tutorial.

I didnt find any tutorials on this specific subject, so I decided to ask, unfortunatly, this manner of learning a code is proving a bit more confusing =/

So to answer "Where is the point you're getting confused?" The beginning? I generally for some reason see the concept skipping over my head currently, just due to lacking of experiance I suppose.

Thunder: I used the fixed script. It loads fine, no errors show up when booting, but for some reason, still no music plays. There is a small delay at the beginning of the game that was never there, but no music played. So I know its not your script, it must just be me.
Posted By: Sinthoras

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 17:38

Ah, huh.. thats the point.. I made my 'tutorial' expecting you to have at least a little bit of coding experience, because you wrote

.. advanced scripting is almost needed. I've worked out all the kinks in the main engine, so the basics are done ..

The absolute beginners here cannot do even these things, means YOU are no

What do you think - is using another tutorial better than continuing here, or should we talk a bit in ICQ? (I have a lot of work to do, so this might not be the best solution..)
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 17:43

I just tested it and it doesn't work for me aswell, but I reduced it to the media_play instruction and maybe found the mistake you and I made:
Here is the quote from the manual which might lead to the root of all evil

Name of the multimedia file. The file must exist in the game folder, it won't be found in the path or in a resource .

Posted By: Krammit

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 07/16/06 19:17

Sinthoras: i'll see what i can do about contacting you, maybe we can work something out.

Thunder: I actually found out how to fix the script for music, also simplified it a lot too (AU Resources)
media_loop("SA2Death.mid", null, 80);

One line, placed after the level loading command, so music works, thanks for your help thunder.
Posted By: taipan

Re: Aquiring/Equipting Items - 08/01/06 08:32


I doubt it, but is there a tutorial that demonstrates weapon attachment? it might just be because reading raw code can jumble the mind, but for some reason I'm not getting the brunt of the info from it, it just seems to go over my head (I should apologize, you probably worked hard on the description :/ )

In resources i found:

Dont remeber if they are easy to understand but there are tutorials

Good luck with the game
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