
Anyone familiar with the RPG template 2.0 by Claus Nielsen? Below are some problems that I am facing.
RPG template 2.0 - http://rpg.nighthawk.dk/center/

1. How do I actually implement its isometric camera ?

2. I played through your level, my character died, there isn't a game over msg, the NPC enemies are still attacking. Is this a bug ?

3. I realise that the player (guard) isn't animated with the sword together ( I mean they are not in a single .mdl file) . How do you actually position your sword so that it is seen the guard is holding the sword while walking and fighting ? I actually wanted to implement a weapon for my character so i need position it accordingly.

These are the problems I have right now. Please do advise me on how to solve them.

Sorry for the trouble. Thank you.

Last edited by totti10; 02/18/08 04:21.